Example sentences of "to look out over the " in BNC.

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1 He had no wish to look out over the Shatt al-Arab , the narrow glistening strip that divided his country from the Islamic Republic of Iran .
2 From Middenheim 's many tall towers it is possible to look out over the Great Forest to the south and the Drakwald to the west , a carpet of treetops stretching in every direction save eastwards , where the rising Middle Mountains burst from the forest floor , tall and jagged , and the colour of thunder clouds .
3 Every so often he slipped back to look out over the field and make sure that all was safe .
4 We drove back towards Titchwell Marsh , stopping to look out over the miles of salt marsh on the way .
5 The citadel is not open to visitors , but the hill it stands on is a good spot to zigzag your way up to , to look out over the town , the river and its basin , and the valleys that go off from it north , south , east and west .
6 She could imagine what he looked like : dark , slightly wavy hair and blue eyes , the right eyes to look out over the miles of sea all around him .
7 There were paintings stacked at the side of the room — whether finished or not , she did not know — but the thing that was most touching , the thing that stopped her forward momentum was a chair by the lower window , obviously placed to look out over the valley and the distant forest .
8 She turned to look out over the battlements again and raised her voice just as the sun broke through .
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