Example sentences of "to look [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , our editor asks me to look in at the United States ; so be it .
2 ‘ Did you get a chance to look in at the side studio , when they were there last Friday ?
3 I happened to look in on the Private Office before going home in order to see whether there was anything I ought to take account of .
4 The horses could n't get inside the church , so the doors were left open for them to look in on the proceedings .
5 I made my way round the house and crossed the mossy terrace to look in through the drawing-room window .
6 Cleared by the military Ohakea Control to climb into their airspace I coaxed a Grumman AA5 up to 11,000 feet , to look down into the crater lake of Mount Ruapehu , 9,175 feet high , to see steam and smoke coming from the crater within the torn and shattered peak of 6,517 foot Mount Tongariro ( whose last major eruption was only a dozen or so years back ) and to fly around the perfectly symmetrical cone of Mount Ngauruhoe .
7 She had learnt that wickedness exists , even where there is beauty , and now she could hardly bear to look down into the Vale .
8 The violent hammering continued and Jenna crept out of bed to look down into the dark courtyard .
9 If Joe had not caught her , she would be there now , walking up the dale to look down on the sleeping cottage .
10 On the other hand , a shot taken from a high angle to look down on the subject diminishes it and suggests a feeling of superiority .
11 They eventually approached Berwick from the north-west , rounding the skirts of Halidon Hill , and from there able to look down on the grey town at the wide mouth of Tweed , two miles off .
12 To him , even then , it had been history , and it somehow deserved ill-fortune ; in the heedless fashion of the American suburbs it seemed right to look down on the refugees from an old , superstition-riven world .
13 He collected his boarding card and found a seat in the cafeteria that allowed him to look down on the concourse .
14 Spitting out a gobbet of blood , he dragged himself over to the window , to look down on the devastation below .
15 She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and went over to the window to look down at the courtyard .
16 The final example is perhaps an unexpected mathematical experience as there is no discussion of the tower itself but rather the child has been carried to the top of the high tower in his imagination and asked to look down at the people below .
17 He had , as Dalgliesh knew , grudgingly respected Kate 's ability to look down at the butchered bodies in St Matthew 's vestry and not be sick , but he had n't liked her the better for it .
18 Sharpe stepped a pace forward to look down at the map .
19 Alexei seemed to look down at the folder in his hand .
20 ‘ Is it still light enough to work ? ’ asked Merymose , standing , and walking across to the doctor to look down at the body .
21 They 're very wide ranging , and if er , Chair , if members would , would just like to look down at the list of er , options , without going through er , each one individually , but they do range from er , work with er former cottage hospitals , er , front room day care , the further development of home care cooperatives , work er , for people who er , have spinal injuries , who have intake , and er , an interpreter service for , for people who have a hearing loss , and particularly er , helping er , the Shropshire Disability Consortium to set up an interpreting service in the county .
22 So majestic were Forest that one had to look down to the programme to make sure it was n't Robertson and Woodcock and McGovern and Gemmill combining in sweet harmony to carve open Leeds .
23 The Castle was faintly lit by the soft light of the moon , and Grainne , pausing to look down over the courtyard through a small side window , saw how the countryside was bathed in radiance .
24 But soon it might be depressing to look down from the Topping .
25 He was too alert not to catch the look and he was swift enough to look down in the same instant at his cup .
26 By first establishing a formal highpoint , the critics are then able to look down upon the content , ‘ objectively ’ pointing out the division which they claim exists ( which in fact they have helped to construct ) between the two .
27 R. Louis Stevenson remarked ‘ it is worth a climb even in Summer to look down upon the lock from Arthur 's Seat , but it is tenfold more so on a day of Skating ’ .
28 Hope looked down the fell where Colonel and Mrs Moore were strolling with unskilful aimlessness , taking care never to look up towards the two figures on the rump of mountain .
29 Her face tilts to look up into the sky where there ought to be stars .
30 To look up at the towering medieval universe is much more like looking at a great building .
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