Example sentences of "believe that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We believe that regional government has proved to be a key economic regenerator of many of the European regions .
2 We both believe that mutual access to each other 's catalogues would be of benefit to staff in both institutions , but we recognise that there are practical problems and questions of policy which would have to be addressed .
3 Together with the Alliance Party , our sister party and the only non-sectarian political party in Northern Ireland , we believe that mutual respect , shared responsibilities and decentralised government are the only basis for a lasting solution to the troubles of Northern Ireland .
4 Some critics are scathing about the vogue for ‘ child-centred ’ schemes that fail ( allegedly ) to provide young people with even the rudiments of human culture ; they believe that contemporary views of childhood and childcare are unequal to the task of producing in children such socially desirable qualities as competence , co-operation , responsibility , social sensitivity and moral awareness .
5 Cus D'Amato , the famed trainer who shaped Tyson 's career , was dismissive of teachers who believe that tall boxers were made to jab and move , relying mostly on their reach and mobility .
6 Resistance sources in Peshawar believe that hard-line Pushtun leader Gulbeddin Hekmatyar , who is attacking Bagram , may try to stage a coup in Kabul — something he attempted two years ago — denying the northern minorities power .
7 The researchers believe that supramolecular structures such as micelles will prove particularly useful for the study of autopoietic phenomena because they allow extensive variation in structural organisation and can thus have a higher degree of functional complexity , for example being able to act as hosts to guest molecules , such as enzymes .
8 In looking at routes to permanence I have already indicated that I believe that long-term fostering will be the best route for a number , albeit a diminishing number , of children in care .
9 It is not practical for her to travel to Alton for the hearing of her case , and I believe that genuine hardship is going to result . ’
10 We believe that empirical findings of value gains in unrelated diversifications are overstated because the results of corporate catalysts are included .
11 SCIENTISTS believe that cancer-causing radon gas may be a health risk in 3,000 homes in Wales responsible for 110 lung cancer deaths a year .
12 Others believe that explicit teaching or learning of language structure is unnecessary .
13 We do not share Dr Bailey 's confidence that urinary infection is unimportant in the pathogenesis of reflux nephropathy and believe that deep tissue infection in general requires longer treatment than uncomplicated lower tract infection .
14 We strongly believe that neither action revoking damaging permissions , nor the imposition of new conditions , under the first review should wait until the whole review is complete , otherwise unacceptable damage will almost certainly occur .
15 Some people fondly believe that chess-playing computers work by internally trying out all possible combinations of chess moves .
16 Sales specialists certainly believe that private freehouses will become increasingly popular .
17 Many of us believe that diplomatic relations with Iran should be broken off .
18 With such caveats , and open-mindedness , I believe that alternative systems of healing , which I prefer collectively to call ‘ complementary medicine ’ , should and will operate in partnership with conventional medicine .
19 However , some experts believe that technical solutions are dealing only with the symptoms , not the causes of piracy .
20 The British Medical Association and the Royal College of Psychiatrists believe that eugenic grounds provide the main justification for a separate offence of incest .
21 Despite a range of domestic environmental controls introduced under the auspices of the state Environment Agency over the past 20 years , critics believe that industrial success and economic growth continue to take precedence over concerns such as imports of tropical timber , the use of controversial drift-nets by Japanese fishing fleets , and continuing industrial pollution of land and sea .
22 If they rank the checkerboard solution last in other circumstances , in the case of strict liability for manufacturers , for example , they nevertheless believe that internal compromise is wrong , though for reasons that yield when the substantive issue is very grave .
23 We insist on integrity because we believe that internal compromises would deny what is often called " equality before the law " and sometimes " formal equality . "
24 But previous studies have demonstrated increased root respiration rates and faster root turnover associated with higher soil temperature , and we believe that higher soil temperatures at the southern forest act in part to accelerate maintenance costs and mortality rates throughout the entire system of fine , absorbing roots .
25 We believe that Y-PCR testing , followed by a physical examination of positive cases , is a valid method of verifying the genetic sex of large numbers of people .
26 I believe that non-writing artists need a staggering voice and great charisma .
27 We believe that many teachers who adopt such modes of interaction , though they do so partly as a matter of habit , are also responding to what they feel is expected of them .
28 I can give the hon. Gentleman the undertaking — it is of the sort that I gave him in Committee — that I believe that many things should be done with the extra resources that we shall have , and in the context of administrative matters the care of records is relevant .
29 I believe that many visitors would like to have available a short paper about the early history to enable them to derive greater enjoyment from their stay and I hope those who want to know more will be stimulated to consult the Inventory .
30 But , in general , clubs seem incapable of grasping an elementary fact that cynicism is rife among an ever-increasing number of people who believe that many players are overpaid , overrated and out of touch .
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