Example sentences of "described as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was a resurgence of fighting around Kismayo ( the main port town of southern Somalia ) between USC forces apparently supporting Gen. Aydid and southern forces headed by Gen. Mohammed Said Hersi , who was described as the son-in-law of Siyad Barre .
2 Measures passed by those of a different political hue were described as the work of a ‘ previous government ’ .
3 This must be a result of the extravagant claims made at the movement 's inception , what Leith ( 1969 ) has described as the work of " flamboyant cheer leaders " .
4 It can probably best be described as the way you are feeling and thinking when you meet any situation .
5 The obligation of directors to account for profits made as a result of abusing ( in the sense of taking advantage of ) their position as directors is often described as the principle that directors must not make a secret profit .
6 In Texas it may be described as the past constantly almost catching up with the future , leaving no stable present time .
7 Simmel concludes this section of his Philosophy with an argument that money represents the end point of that cultural process which may be described as the reduction of quality to quantity , a line of argument which was to prove particularly influential in later traditions of Western Marxism .
8 Officially described as the lady Anne 's companion , Joan had no place in the royal reunion and must remain behind in their apartments .
9 The draft report of the Cadbury Committee has been described as the opening of a debate .
10 It can be described as the psychology of absolute consciousness , seeing consciousness not only as an awareness an individual has of him or her ‘ self , but an eternal all-pervasive principle — the highest reality , with all things being manifestations of it .
11 He was probably not the Bernard listed in 1522 , for one of the copyholders , occupying half a virgate , was Joan Pace , who is described as the widow of Bernard Turney , while the lease of the manor was renewed without a break until the eighteenth century .
12 French cooperation in the EEC in the years immediately after 1958 could perhaps best be described as the lull before the storm .
13 It has been described as the belt , braces and garotte approach .
14 The Concord Centre is described as the North 's equivalent to Birmingham 's NEC and would include a stadium , conference and exhibition facilities , three museums , a multiplex cinema and a 24-lane bowling centre .
15 Christ 's atoning death on the cross is described as the price paid to release the slaves and free the condemned ( Eph. 1:7 ; Rom. 3:24 ; Heb. 9:15 ; 1 Cor.
16 I 'm certain that those of us who heard Mike Save The Children 's overseas director on the Today programme or our field director in Angola on the evening television news yesterday , can have hold nothing but pride , what they had to say of Save The Children 's work in that country , a country described as the heart of darkness a country with the world 's worse infant mortality rate .
17 Insofar as Kuhn recognizes the role played by a paradigm in guiding the search for and interpretation of observable phenomena , he accommodates most of what I have described as the theory-dependence of observation in Chapter 3 .
18 Will the Secretary of State keep in this country what James Watson , the discoverer of the DNA basis of the genetic code , has described as the jewel in the crown of British science ?
19 They make a constant rhythmic noise , described as the grinding of seed in a hollow stone mill , to warn away intruders .
20 The report consists of seven pages , the first six , described as the inspection report , signed at the foot of page six by the surveyor with an indication whether or not he is employed .
21 Pressman and Wildavsky have made a tentative attempt to draw attention to what may loosely be described as the mathematics of implementations the way in which the mere quantity of agreements necessary may , even when all parties are committed to a policy , undermine or delay effective action .
22 Mr Fallon has been described as the kind of man who does not suffer fools gladly .
23 Dietary fibre can also be described as the carbohydrate material in plant foods ( mainly derived from the cell walls ) which is not digested by man .
24 Her ideas can fairly be described as the intersection of personal and group fantasies .
25 In the Lewis Papers , Warren remarked , ‘ With his passing we lose him who may perhaps be described as the hero of our saga …
26 For example , I have heard one variation described as the greyhound ferret — this is a long , slim variety with a sharp-featured head .
27 This can be described as the degree to which an odour is perceived to be agreeable or disagreeable , pleasant or unpleasant .
28 He has nothing left but the limited interest granted to him by what may perhaps be described as the indulgence of the court under section 5(2) of the Act of 1920 .
29 But gardening may be described as the activity of interfering with natural plant succession and preventing the establishment of a climax community .
30 It is this being , the power behind the throne who acts as the unifying force of all the ‘ lesser ’ deities , who would more appropriately be described as the God of Hinduism .
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