Example sentences of "died in the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 When Yerkes died in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel his empire was taken over by the son of a Derbyshire coach-maker , Albert Henry Stanley .
2 He fought in the first World War and died in the Aegean in 1915 at the age of 27 .
3 Ogden immediately before it , and Science and Poetry and Practical Criticism , which first appeared in 1926 and 1929 respectively , was published early in Richards 's long career ( he was born in 1893 , and died in the United States in 1979 ) , when he was teaching English literature at Cambridge .
4 She died in the December of that year , joining her husband in the family grave ; many letters of condolence were received by Ernie at Freegrove Road , including one from Cousin Alf Davidge of Cricklewood — the husband of Benjamin James 's daughter , Bessie .
5 Grand Duke Vladimir Romanov , the head of the exiled Russian royal family , and " heir to the Russian throne " as Izvestiya described him on April 22 , died in the USA on April 21 .
6 Mr Wilson , who is a member of the Irish Senate , also announced today that he would be attending the funeral of three-year-old Johnathan Ball , who died in the Warrington blast .
7 Hell , everybody I know 's done something like that at some time or another but that does n't make them a murderer ; I think McDunn 's crazy but I ca n't tell him that because , if he 's wrong about that and I 'm wrong about it being something to do with those guys who died in the Lake District a few years ago , then there 's only one suspect left and that 's me .
8 Gordon Wilson , whose daughter died in the Enniskillen bombing and who is a member of the Republic 's Senate , was given a standing ovation by the emotional crowd .
9 During their trip , they also met world-famous peace campaigner Gordon Wilson , whose daughter Marie died in the Enniskillen massacre .
10 Arrested in 1943 , he died in the Lublin-Maidanek concentration camp .
11 Her cousin Elizabeth of Dorking 's £20 legacy was to arrive just too late to be of any comfort to her , and she died in the September , aged sixty-five .
12 A CLEVELAND man who died in the North Sea helicopter tragedy last weekend has been formally identified .
13 None of them do , there 's no space for it , but there were twelve other people who died at that same time at Dornhausen , and four more from Dornhausen who died in the Karls Hospital at Bad Schwarzendorn at times later in the day . ’
14 And really it was no joking matter : across the bridge John Chapman , nephew to a Market Place shoemaker , went back to work in the shop too soon after the flood , caught a chill in the process , and died in the April , aged just twenty-one .
15 THE BRAVERY of the four teenagers who died in the Dorset canoe tragedy emerged last night as the parents of one victim spoke of how they all tried to help each other survive .
16 Under subsequent cross examination from Allan Gore , barrister , for driver Reg McEwan who died in the Newton collision , he conceded that with hindsight the new layout at Newton , designed to allow higher speeds for trains on the Glasgow to London InterCity line , had been achieved ‘ at a price ’ .
17 Under cross examination from Allan Gore , barrister , for driver Reg McEwan who died in the Newton collision , he conceded that with hindsight the new layout at Newton , designed to allow higher speeds for trains on the Glasgow to London InterCity line , had been achieved ‘ at a price ’ .
18 Together with Cornish mother-of-two Lynn Hicks , whose navigator husband Steve died in the Gulf , the pair are now locked in battle with the Ministry of Defence .
19 The International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) was reported in early August to be unable to trace more than a few hundred of the many thousands of Iraqi soldiers who died in the Gulf war fighting , nor had details been given of the location of mass graves .
20 At least 20 officers in personnel carriers and patrol cars took up position outside the old Billingsgate fish market , just yards from the Baltic Exchange , where three people died in the IRA bomb blast in April .
21 ON GUARD : a soldier on patrol at Musgrave Park Hospital , Belfast , passes floral tributes to those who died in the IRA bombing
22 Irish senator Gordon Wilson was among the mourners — his daughter , Marie , died in the IRA 's Enniskillen Remembrance Day blast in 1987 .
23 Mr Wilson , whose daughter Marie died in the IRA 's 1987 Remembrance Day blast in Enniskillen , said even the republicans ' most fervent supporters were questioning their campaign .
24 This happened here at Sligo : Owen Bel died in the River Garavogue , speared by Ulstermen , in AD 500 .
25 Policemen standing yards from where 95 soccer fans died in the Hillsborough football stadium disaster were last night expecting disciplinary charges .
26 He was pictured in the Sun kissing his girlfriend Karen Levy on the same day that the club held a third anniversary memorial service for 95 fans who died in the Hillsborough disaster .
27 During the return voyage he died in the Mediterranean 20 February 1929 and was buried at sea .
28 He died in The Hague 15 September 1720 , leaving an estate of under £20,000 , and is buried in the Jewish cemetery at Ouderkerk .
29 She died in The Hague 23 January 1931 .
30 He died in the Pyrenees , quite young , of pneumonia , attended at the last by the officious H. G. Wells , who describes his mercy mission to the bedside of his friend in his autobiography .
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