Example sentences of "paid [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 On the part of the doctor , British medical training until recently has paid scant attention to the patient 's need to be listened to and the doctor will therefore home in on physical symptoms only .
2 In fact , many political sociologists have paid scant attention to the formal institutions of government and administration , preferring instead to study the ways in which the formal is conditioned , even undermined or replaced by , the informal .
3 Is the more optimistic forecast to be made of the dutiful immature girl who has some mildly appreciative responses , knows her books and has paid careful attention to what she has been told to think , but who has few independent ideas and writes with neither firmness nor joy ; or of the mature and independent boy , who may not have studied his notes or perhaps his texts so thoroughly , but who has a sense of relevance , whose judgements are valid , who writes with assurance and betrays in his style … that he has made a genuine engagement with the literature he has encountered ?
4 The Cardigan Bay Forum has paid serious attention to the issues arising from the oil industry 's increasing interest in exploring potential reserves in Cardigan Bay , including the forthcoming test drilling by Hamilton Brothers off Bardsey .
5 Those linguists who have paid explicit attention to literacy , and they are as yet few , have been forced to question the early assumptions of the discipline with regard to literacy and to cast doubt on what I have termed the ‘ autonomous ’ model .
6 UK Foreign , Employment , Agriculture , and Trade and Industry ministers subsequently paid official visits to Poland .
7 Dr. Rowland Atkinson , who was Charles Roe 's brother-in-law , probably paid frequent visits to Coniston and may have rented a house for these locally .
8 Instrumentalists have never paid great attention to the detailed institutional organization of the liberal democratic state .
9 Like other institutions the Polytechnic has paid increased attention to the recruitment of overseas students in recent years .
10 Ever since his return from Canada , William had paid regular visits to London , maintaining close contact with his cousin , John Galt , with whom he had attended school in Irvine .
11 The Ryúkyús were an autonomous kingdom , but during the Tokugawa period their king had paid regular tribute to China as well as trading with the lord of Satsuma domain in southern Kyushu , who treated the Ryúkyúan king as a vassal .
12 Throughout the months preceding the launching I had paid numerous visits to Brooke Marine yard , either calling there in Venturous with the training crews , or latterly driving down from my home in Felixstowe , conveniently situated a mere forty miles up the coast .
13 We 've paid enormous attention to making cookery a treat for you as well as your family , by positively helping you to cook a better meal .
14 We have paid considerable attention to cost-reduction strategies , as probably befits a book addressed primarily to financial experts .
15 The ‘ two Johns ’ , both from Bellaghy , have paid diligent attention to detail in their team 's preparations and their track record with under-age sides is enviable .
16 Thus , whilst their Lordships entirely understand why both Barnett J. and the Court of Appeal should have felt , in the light of the passage cited from Reg. v. Bow Street Stipendiary Magistrate , Ex parte Director of Public Prosecutions , 91 Cr.App.R. 283 , 296–297 , that the district judge had paid insufficient regard to the task undertaken by the prosecution , they consider that the district judge was in fact correct to take into account all the factors together , without reference to any burden of proof other than the heavy burden which always rests on a defendant who seeks a stay on the grounds of delay .
17 There can be little doubt that the administration of criminal justice has paid insufficient attention to problems of sexual abuse over the years , and recent improvements in police procedures and in services for victims are to be welcomed .
18 If , for example , it were to be suggested that management had paid insufficient attention to the development of the company 's product base , establishing that this amounted to negligence would be highly problematical .
19 1.22 We have paid particular attention to the needs of those children whose first language is not English : these are discussed in paragraphs 2.7 to 2.12 and in chapter 10 .
20 Doctor Sloan of Ayr who conducted a post mortem examination on John was approached later by a group of old miners with the question , The doctor confessed that he had not paid particular attention to the man 's feet , whereat the miners went off with knowing expressions on their faces ; superstition had convinced them that if the doctor had looked he would have seen cloven hoofs , proving that the devil had appeared in the guise of John Brown for some evil purpose of his own .
21 The purpose of this chapter has been to outline the main principles of analysing language in the community , and I have paid particular attention to exploring dialect-divergence .
22 I am especially grateful to my hon. Friend the Minister for Roads and Traffic , who has paid particular attention to the problem over recent months to try to get things right .
23 Feminists have paid particular attention to the way in which an ideology which assigns a primary role to women as mothers informs medical control of reproduction .
24 In recent years it has paid particular attention to M0 , M4 and M5 .
25 So far this year , the Princess Royal and Prince Edward have paid open visits to the province .
26 Scholars studying popular culture have paid close attention to crafts , recognizing occupational traditions and customs that have origins in the middle ages .
27 Those who have paid special attention to the interactions of parents and very young children say that the confusion between what belongs to self and what belongs to others applies with even more force to feelings than it does to bodies , and for very much longer .
28 He had paid special attention to the hammerers ; they were all decorated with various kinds of facial hair ranging from pencil thin , Ronald Coleman moustaches to curly , Ancient Assyrian style full sets of ringlets , and their diminutive , painted jackets were striped , starred , arrowed and dotted at random .
29 Ahern also paid special attention to the motor industry , with a 1.7 per cent cut in car excise duty and a 9p per gallon reduction in petrol taxes , but vehicle road tax was to be increased by 20 per cent .
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