Example sentences of "find [conj] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Find where the old timers panned gold , and go to look for what they missed .
2 I have looked up my own record over the past six months , and I find that the only courthouse whose closure I approved was in Leicestershire and was precisely 500 yd from a new courthouse costing £8 million which we had erected to take its place .
3 If we divide orientation techniques into those which are media-assisted and those which are not ( eg guided tours ) we find that the former are infrequently used in the college libraries , while university and polytechnic libraries generally employ both the former and the latter .
4 If we compare boys of 14 years of age who opt for science with other boys , we find that the former have very cut-and-dried views on many issues .
5 Now meanwhile — not meanwhile , but quite a lot later — in early medieval allegory , you find that the allegorical poet has a quite ordinary technical problem when he 's writing about things like mercy and cruelty .
6 Now , meanwhile , or not meanwhile , quite a lot later , in early mediaeval allegory , you find that the allegorical poet has a quite ordinary technical problem when he 's writing about things like mercy and cruelty .
7 If you change the term to 10 years you will discover two things : first the column of results is n't wide enough and second , after increasing the column width , you find that the final amount is £1,638 including £438 interest and the earnings ratio is more than double , at 36.57% .
8 When we come to banding we find that the Labour party is incapable of making up its mind .
9 I have to say Chairman that I find that the suggested resolution of six is totally adequate to deal with and I , I have read er the motion proposed by through a couple of times , and you know , it 's having a few frills here and there and some are , I , I , I find this one thing er more than adequate er to deal with the situation and er I would move that resolution formally .
10 And then finally , the other if is , if we find that the new settlement is not required then we report accordingly .
11 Students usually find that the first term 's work is relatively gentle .
12 Most students find that the first job does eventually come along , and even that elusive Equity card is attainable .
13 I have tried them all and find that the first method suits me best .
14 Comparing the approaches of accommodation theory and variationism , we find that the first is concerned with the pattern of speakers ' behaviour in particular encounters , the second with the overall trends of variability and changing norms within a community .
15 When you get rich you find that the rich are soft and stupid and want to talk about parties for their daughters .
16 However , on examination we find that the criminal process does not and can not fulfil this role .
17 Unless both parties successfully anticipate inflation by fixing the terms of loans in such a way as to compensate for inflation , the lenders find that the real value of their loans declines , and the borrowers find that the real value of their debts declines to the same extent .
18 Unless both parties successfully anticipate inflation by fixing the terms of loans in such a way as to compensate for inflation , the lenders find that the real value of their loans declines , and the borrowers find that the real value of their debts declines to the same extent .
19 The matter is made worse by the fact that the two offences are construed as being mutually exclusive ; and the resulting difficulties are not entirely overcome by the provisions in [ the Larceny Act 1916 , section ] 44 as to the verdicts open to the jury when they find that the accused committed an offence different from that charged ( cf. paragraph 90 ) .
20 If however , we bother to check the priorities systematically we find that the two top priorities are actually present in the arrangement .
21 A snow bunting twitters away to my left , laughing — as it turns out — at what is about to happen next , when I find that the volcanic dish is shallow and filled with grass and wind-blown rubbish .
22 You could receive a lot of heavy bills which you had not anticipated , or you might suffer a car accident and find that the other person is not insured , or if your spouse has died you may be left with debts that you were unaware of .
23 But of course if , if you start , if you find that the other evidence dissolves as well , then , then you give up eventually .
24 If we measure our rhythms in mental performance ( our ability to do mental arithmetic or to reason logically ) we find that the normal daytime peak , with a morning rise and evening fall , is absent .
25 Finally , using eqn ( 9.20 ) to calculate dE/dR we find that the gravitational pressure inwards is .
26 I find that the evidential basis for Mr designing and building accommodation for disabled people and elderly is only one possible option for re-housing that should be considered and that is to purchase a three bedroomed bungalow and add an extension , quotes , has gone from this case .
27 Using Stokes law for a crystal of diameter d and density contrast and equating ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) , we find that the critical viscosity , μ c , below which equation ( 1 ) is valid is
28 Thus , we find that the muscarinic agonist carbachol ( through the M 2 -receptor ) and the adrenergic agonist noradrenaline ( through the 1 -receptor ) are equipotent with adenosine as preconditioning agents .
29 We find that the vast majority of our pupils can cope with the Credit Paper .
30 We also find that the composite ATPase and elongation factor trees used to root the tree of life are misleading .
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