Example sentences of "leads to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this way research can be seen as a continuing dialectical process : actuality is formulated as an abstraction which in turn leads to a reformulation of actuality .
2 If logic and reason can interpret the information sent in by the senses and produce a conclusion that would change as the information changes , it is emotion that clouds our vision and leads to a state in which we do not see things as they are .
3 All this leads to a state of depression — with slowness of body and mind , inability to concentrate , lassitude , hopelessness , a tendency to sleep late in the morning and doze all afternoon .
4 Thus a rise in the note circulation leads to a money market shortage .
5 A path on the right bank leads to a church in the distance .
6 Increased division of labour , it is stated , leads to a change in the nature of production , from production for use to production for exchange .
7 It is known that changes in temperature or ionic strength alter the average rotation angle between adjacent base pairs in the DNA helix which , in a closed-circular DNA , leads to a change in the superhelical density ( 20 ) .
8 However , if the assumption of growth is removed , then there is a change in the experience of those involved in the process which leads to a change in expectations .
9 It is also possible that it leads to a change in the Pattern of bequests .
10 In general , the tax leads to a change in relative consumer prices ( ) .
11 However , the method by which a change in predictable monetary growth leads to a change in aggregate real output is not the familiar one — a higher rate of growth does not fool people into supplying more output .
12 The important molecular property connected with Raman spectra is therefore the polarizability , and a vibration will give rise to a Raman line if it leads to a change in the polarizability of the molecule .
13 The experience leads to a change , in the same way one is changed by falling in love .
14 As the next section shows , the skilful use of mixed messages leads to a range of unintended and counter-productive consequences .
15 The ICI polymerization technology which gives the ‘ bead ’ form of ‘ Diakon ’ leads to a range of speciality acrylic resins .
16 This leads to a tendency to reduce the form of critique to the form of natural science which , Habermas argues , would not have happened if Marx had maintained a distinction between instrumental and communicative action .
17 Continued attack on the upstream sides of spurs and enlargement of the meander leads to a tendency for a break through at the neck of the spur , as it becomes thin ( Fig. 9.12A ) .
18 These are excellent , but their exclusive use robs the subject of a personal and local dimension and inevitably leads to a measure of stereotyping .
19 If talking things over inevitably leads to a row , then you 're to blame too , even though he may be driving you to over-react .
20 It is this extra spending ( or increase in aggregate demand ) which leads to a rise in the price level .
21 This has no effect on the manufacturer 's price , which is determined solely by c m , but leads to a rise in the retail price .
22 The fall in k leads to a rise in the gross return to capital and a fall in the wage ; to this extent the tax is ‘ shifted ’ .
23 It has been shown , for example , that taking antacids is associated with a rise in serum gastrin provided that alkalisation occurs , and that chronic acid inhibition with H 2 antagonists leads to a rise in serum gastrin in both rats and humans .
24 In the latter , a rise in money supply leads to a fall in the exchange rate , which leads to a rise in exports and a fall in imports .
25 That leads to a conversation : ‘ Did you ever have a dog in your house ? ’
26 The first part of the route is marked by flags and leads to a gate in the wall at 1,000 feet .
27 As with open-market operations and ordinary funding , the sale of securities to the private sector leads to a squeeze on banks ' balances at the Bank of England .
28 So in other words we can write the general scheme , a stimulus leads to an increase in the se level of the second messenger , and that increase in the level of the second messenger leads to a response .
29 This leads to a discussion of the characteristics of the agency labour force and of the nature of the occupation and regional labour markets in which they are found .
30 Difference ( 4 ) — the interlinked corpus difference — leads to a problem with the name-space : one author may choose a name for an object , and another author may choose the same name for a completely different type of object .
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