Example sentences of "to turn [adv prt] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That was the end of his second month 's loan after scoring twice in six games ; later he was to turn down the chance of a permanent move .
2 For a moment Merrill thought that Luke was going to turn down the idea , but Sam persisted , ‘ After all , there 's no harm in combining business with sightseeing , is there ? ’
3 It did , in any event , provide an excuse for the father of the Princess Adelaide to turn down the proposal , although it seems likely that the dubious moral reputation of his putative son-in-law also played a part in the refusal .
4 ‘ As things stand Mr Patten is minded to turn down the application , but there will be a 21-day stay of execution for appeals . ’
5 l here were about a dozen customers , mostly middle-aged men sitting alone reading Evening Standards who only troubled the barman to the extent that occasionally he had to turn down the corner of a page of his Stephen King paperback .
6 When I used to turn down the corner of the strasse I heard her music .
7 He felt the contact was so invaluable that he was prepared to turn down the job at the head of one of the UK 's premier blue-chip companies if it meant making such a sacrifice .
8 Celia 's immediate reaction was to turn down the offer .
9 A man of around the same age was squatting down in front of the TV set , belatedly fumbling to turn down the volume ; he was in his underwear , and was as pale as lard .
10 When the critical point was reached in mid-1941 , he acted quickly to turn down the heat .
11 Neighbours of the site are being asked to send their comments on the plans to a Government inspector who will decide whether to uphold Sedgefield District Council 's decision to turn down the extension for the social club .
12 The controversy led AID to turn down the project .
13 Then , having established a fairly exact area , the next step is to turn down the receiver volume so that you are able to pinpoint the precise spot where the receiver is immediately above the ferret .
14 ‘ I 'm happy to turn down the heating . ’
15 He cited the decision last week of Chris Patten , Secretary of State for the Environment , last week to turn down the housing development for Foxley Wood in Hampshire , adding : ‘ We have repeatedly said that , wherever possible , decisions of this kind should be left to local people . ’
16 It took her no time at all to turn over the bed along by the rickety fence .
17 For filtration , I now combine undergravel with external and , as with all heavy feeders , you need to turn over the capacity of the tank at least three times an hour .
18 Working with Cadillac engineers , Kettering created the starter motor , using the flywheel to turn over the engine .
19 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , tearing the sheet in his hurry to turn over the page , I know you never reply to letters and refuse to answer the door or the phone .
20 ‘ Be sure , ’ said Alexander before the service started , ‘ to turn over the page to my grandfather 's lesson when you have finished yours . ’
21 In his statement , Bush stressed that " we intend to turn over the administration of , and security for these sites as soon as possible to the UN " and warned the Iraqi government not to respond militarily .
22 Then say to the audience ‘ What I would like you to do as soon as I leave the room is to turn over the card on the top of this pile and look at it . ’
23 She 's going around calling me a murderer and she 's invited this Cobalt in to turn over the place looking for drugs . ’
24 He pulled on his trousers and went quickly over to turn up the music , moving his head from side to side in time to the beat .
25 The rustling of packaging caused him to sigh and ask the computer to turn up the sound .
26 The trick is not to turn up the sound .
27 Two floors above , Jude heard what she took to be a domestic argument , and not wanting somebody else 's marital strife to sour her fine mood , was crossing to turn up the soul song on the turntable when somebody knocked on the door .
28 He yelled abuse at a dog that was about to turn up the garden path , doing it more for form 's sake than because he disliked dogs , and then Jim opened the door and unfortunately called the animal inside .
29 We were told that indications of public concern over proposed development strategies were also influential on the WO and the SoS ( a clear invitation to CPRW to turn up the heat ) .
30 Warner v. Browne the lessor engaged not to turn out the tenant so long as he observed the conditions , and in this case [ the company 's agent ] engages that the tenant shall hold until the company require to pull down the buildings .
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