Example sentences of "to offer the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Centres may be visited in connection with their submissions to offer the programmes of study .
2 The SynchroWorks system , initially designed for Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations , is claimed to offer the benefits of object-oriented technology and the ease-of-use of visual programming , without requiring the user to know object-oriented languages .
3 In Europe Johnson Matthey , through Emissionsteknik , is working with Eminox , a leading company in exhaust systems , to offer the benefits of particulate filters and catalytic converter technology on heavy duty vehicles .
4 Apple reportedly hopes to offer the machine at approximately Macintosh LC II prices , but it will deliver up to 30 times the LC II 's performance when running software written for the new RISC CPU 's native mode .
5 The matter was raised in the meeting of the Land and Properties Sub-Committee 14 January 1992 ( LP 4 ) where it was resolved to offer the land for sale by open tender on condition that the purchaser submits a detailed planning application for one detached dwelling based on plans already drawn up and agreed by the planning officer as acceptable .
6 We also told him that , as a matter of policy , regardless of the legal situation , we certainly would n't be prepared to offer the painting for sale unless it had first been offered to the museum to see whether it would be possible for them to re-acquire it .
7 If you 're doing both then of course you 're you 're looking to offer the options to er
8 If they are serious in their intentions to offer the insights in the arts to which pupils have a right , then the latter should be able to expect a well considered programme , to achieve which requires extensive teacher preparation of which INSET is a part .
9 The teacher may also wish the software to offer the opportunity for extension work , to draw the subject being studied out further relate it to other subject areas , raise issues and add a new dime to the work e.g. the software on the economy allows pupils to skills of manipulating variables and such skills are cross-curricular Often the same course can be duplicated , to advantage , us microcomputer program .
10 Graphite are the first manufacturer to offer the ability for processor and video upgrade throughout the range , from 286 , through 386 to 486-based systems .
11 While the methods of structural linguistics seem to have some role to play in studying the structure of meaningful systems , they have nothing directly to offer the unravelling of meaning .
12 Mature students bring their whole life experience to college , they have potentially much to gain — and , therefore , much to offer the communities to which they return after college .
13 Crewe says : ‘ We are not going for numbers — we have to stay contained to offer the level of service that we do and meet the needs of our existing customer base . ’
14 The decision to offer the test on this optional basis is unique within the context of neonatal screening .
15 I have shown how the new and relatively autonomous movement for the installation of English as a central mechanism for general education became strengthened within civil society ; and furthermore how it built sufficiently strong links with the official state for its leaders to offer the service of the movement for the joint promotion of English as a cultural instrument of the nation-state .
16 If such a procedure were made law , vets could well afford to offer the service at a minimal cost , if not free , at the same time as the first vaccination .
17 It plans to offer the service in the Miami area this September and take viewdata nationwide by 1985 .
18 IBM also plans to offer the microkernel as a stand-alone product on the OEM market so that third parties can build their own operating systems on top of it .
19 It says it still has no plans to offer the D-channel for everyday ISDN use .
20 It was an inspired idea to offer the part to the ‘ eternal virgin' of the fifties and early sixties , but Day , nearing the end of her career , turned it down because , ‘ It offended my sense of values . ’
21 Our interest is in the validation of the new course and in the quality assurance issues which will arise if partners wish to offer the course in Ireland or Portugal .
22 Erm be because out of that debate this morning I sense you have much to offer the rest of us and I hope that that conversation will not be a conversation confined your Synod or to the to the assembly of URC but that we 'll find ways of sharing that perception of ministry with those of us in other churches cos you do n't need me to tell me , tell you that that key question in the whole ecumenical debate , not just in these nations but worldwide and I think that from within this reform tradition in which I share I will hope that we will find ways of offering that perception of ministry , in all its forms as erm , a symbol and a sign of the ministry of the whole people of God we have that to offer the churches in Wales and worldwide and I hope that we can find ways of doing that .
23 In the circumstances , the latter 's preference for Model B was understandable in that it might seem to offer the degree of financial and educational independence which their maturity now merited .
24 ‘ Swindon want to keep White and I 'm in no real position to offer the kind of money to make them change their mind , ’ says Rovers ' Gerry Francis .
25 All of these predictions do match real usage as shown in ( 66 ) and ( 67 ) ( underlining , on this occasion , indicates the section of the structure which is to be questioned ) ; we add ( 68 ) to offer the parallel with an explicit clause : ( 66 ) she needs the application translated what does she need ? ( 67 ) ( a ) I would consider the tea-boy ( to be ) reliable what would you consider the tea-boy to be ? ( 67 ) ( b ) I would consider the tea-boy ( to be ) reliable who would you consider ( to be ) reliable
26 The artefact , on the other hand , tends to imply a certain innocence of facticity ; it seems to offer the clarity of realism , an assertion of certainty against the buffeting of debate , an end or resting point which resolves the disorder of uncertain perspectives .
27 The poem seemed to offer the possibility of regeneration ( " In my end is my beginning " is its last line ) from a false civilization , and is in that sense close in spirit to The Idea of a Christian Society , which also sold well during the war years .
28 Under these circumstances , Sainteny and his colleagues seemed to offer the possibility of an insurance policy .
29 The survival of poll books for the reigns of William and Anne has made the analysis of electoral behaviour an attractive method of testing the political attitudes of those below the level of the elite , since a careful tabulation of voting behaviour seems to offer the possibility of a fairly scientific means of assessing swings in public opinion across the nation as a whole .
30 But the charity does aim to offer the chance of life to millions who 'll otherwise become mere statistics of a human tragedy .
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