Example sentences of "to protect [pn reflx] against [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was wearing an overcoat and leant forward to protect himself against the biting wind .
2 Casting aside Pennzoil 's claims that it had no intention of launching a bid , Chevron moved into top gear to protect itself against a takeover which could be worth $35billion and would revive memories of some of the biggest corporate battles of the 1970 's and 80's .
3 It is vital to protect yourself against the loss of such a key person .
4 However , there is only so much you can do to protect yourself against the whims of the Almighty .
5 It was the same in all the other areas of my life ; removed from the need to protect myself against the horrors of enhanced eidesis , I began to live as others did , blithely and unconsciously .
6 I tied the points of my hose , pushing down my shirt , glad to protect myself against the unearthly chill in that ghastly chamber .
7 Where competing firms are small they may wish not only to help regulate competition in the product market by joining together , but also to protect themselves against a marked inequality in bargaining power , since they are too small to be able to deal effectively with the trade unions unaided .
8 The Tsars , the Habsburgs and the Ottomans sought to rationalize and industrialize their ramshackle empires in order to protect themselves against the expansionism of the modern West European State .
9 Cooperators can not expect to protect themselves against the threatened attack of the opposing forces without carefully preparing a united plan of campaign , in the same way that the Labour Party has mobilised its battalions …
10 Through the early growth of the brain these ape-hominoids developed greater fluency in the use of their hands and began to fashion tools to protect themselves against the powerful hunters .
11 This enables a community of humans to cooperate in working together to protect themselves against the worst effects of nature , and to obtain greater security than would otherwise be possible .
12 Bulimia does not mean " to force vomit " , Some compulsive overeaters ( all of whom could be termed sufferers from bulimia ) use enforced vomiting further to control their emotional feelings and also to protect themselves against the consequence of obesity — but not all do so .
13 But even as she spoke she found herself wondering about the way she 'd reacted to his kisses ; if anyone should be well armed to protect themselves against the attractions of a man like Dane , she should .
14 Now they are having to change their attitude as more and more public school kids rifle shops in London 's Kings Road and South Molton Street for the best in designer gear Because of their rich clientele , the shops have not previously used the tags and electronic security systems used in high street stores to protect themselves against the £1.5 billion-worth of goods lost through shoplifting each year But designer clothes are attracting designer thieves .
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