Example sentences of "willing [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Neither of the lecturers concerned was willing to agree to a change at this late date ; when one of them finally gave in , the alternative proposed by the unpopular head of department was a slot already occupied by one of Andrew 's lectures .
2 The vendor may not be willing to agree to a retention particularly if the purchaser is unable to offer adequate security for the future payment or is unable to pay retention monies into a joint account pending receipt of the consents .
3 And Master Parry himself is willing to agree to the offer I make . ’
4 Conversely , if the design team designs other products for the vendor 's group , the vendor may not be willing to agree to the transfer .
5 On the other hand , maybe that soft , slightly husky voice belonged to a nicely rounded wench willing to indulge in a little loveplay as well as sing about it .
6 Following the GCHQ case , the courts have appeared willing to go beyond the rules of natural justice when implying procedural impropriety .
7 HARRISONS & Crosfield must really dislike being classified as an overseas trader if it is willing to go through the complex process of changing its listing only to end up as a miscellaneous industrial .
8 Hence representing revenues from community X by R(X) we can say : The consequence is that the group of three communities would not be willing to go for the scheme involving supply to all three , since they would not be able to come up with an agreed method of sharing the £650 .
9 The government may have to offer a subsidy , or tax relief , to cable operators and subscribers willing to invest in the most adaptable system .
10 Since the QT Meeting on the 7th has indicated that she is feeling a little better and for the time being is willing to continue as the Teachers ' Representative , however , it is possible that in the future she may require assistance to carry out her duties .
11 A major limitation is that , generally , an injunction will only be granted if the employer was in fact willing to continue with the contract , ie where the real problem was the prospect of unwelcome interference in the contract by a third party .
12 A buy-in of shares may be the appropriate method of effecting a management buy-out where certain shareholders wish to realise their investment in a business which they have been running for some time , or they wish to retire , and there is a management team willing to continue with the business and become the new shareholders .
13 However , the problem with a cash placing is that existing institutional shareholders may not be willing to consent to the disapplication of pre-emption rights .
14 The police had been convinced it was a genuine accident that took his life ( and that of his mistress ) but after what she 'd been through , after what she had discovered , Donna could not believe that men willing to kill for the possession of a book had not taken the life of the man she 'd loved .
15 And an increasing number of people are willing to kill in the name of causes which they find holier than the discredited law of the land .
16 R. Hamilton resigning as treasurer but willing to remain as a member .
17 If there are any area display teams willing to perform at the Annual Reunion on Saturday 19th November to be held at Warwick Park School , please contact at , ,
18 Mary Lovell , who has arranged the meeting , said that as well as fund raising a support group would identify patients in the area , find people willing to sit with a patient at their home to give carers a break , and provide volunteers to drive people to the hospice or generally help at the hospice .
19 She knew he was fobbing her off , but she accepted it ; she was willing to sit in the back seat and let him do the driving .
20 Nevertheless , if you are willing to clamber over the obstacles , you will be rewarded by a memorable collection of case histories which makes When Illness Strikes the Leader an entertaining and compelling read .
21 Even in death he is willing to work at the vine ( the biblical symbol of the Chosen People ) , suggesting in ‘ Credo ’ that the work , however unlikely it appears , is going on ; ‘ the holy promised land ’ is being peopled : ‘ the feet of fierce or humble priests trample out the green ’ ; he among them , despite putative evidence to the contrary .
22 So what forces impeded the real wage rate from falling so as to bring into employment those willing to work at the going wage rate ?
23 He tends to be less radical and confrontational than the most nationally prominent black politician , the Rev Jesse Jackson , and more willing to work with the establishment to achieve his goals .
24 Despite putting up Protestant Unionists against specific Unionists , Paisley was still willing to work with the Unionist Party provided the candidate was acceptable .
25 The movement avoided a split with the election of a compromise leadership , consisting of outgoing chair Ivan Drach , the chair of the Rukh political council Mykhailo Horyn , and Vyacheslav Chornovil , after Drach had attempted to lead out of the congress a faction willing to work with the Ukrainian leadership of President Leonid Kravchuk .
26 For example , a worker who is unaware that exposure to high levels of benzene , as happens in some chemical plants , might cause cancer will be willing to work for a lower wage than she would if this information were widely available .
27 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
28 Students have to be willing to work under the direction of the lecturer .
29 When this happens , however , opposing parties are usually willing to work towards a common view if they are brought together for joint discussions by a neutral .
30 The village chiefs ask their people if they are willing to work on the water projects , and once agreed a project committee is set up carrying the authority of all involved .
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