Example sentences of "willing [verb] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Edward Fenech Adami , the Maltese Prime Minister , said his country was willing to accept the Lockerbie suspects .
2 Although Nizan himself was willing to accept the Moscow version of events , it is probable that the highly publicised nature of the trials , the seemingly endless ramifications of the anti-state activities exposed , did little to boost his confidence in the future development of the Soviet state itself .
3 Therefore Morag would like to know if there are any other male netball teams out there willing to challenge the Glasgow girls ‘ You pay the expenses , we 'll travel anywhere ’ says Morag .
4 It took many visits to reach our self-set target of non-respondents : thirty primary and thirty secondary teachers willing to discuss the Oxfordshire scheme and to go through the questionnaire orally with us .
5 This is almost certainly because the decision to send them in during the later stages of the accident was political ( western-made robots might have been used instead , had the new Soviet leader , one Mikhail Gorbachev , been willing to let the West learn the extent of the disaster ) .
6 Thus in D v NSPCC [ 1978 ] AC 171 the court was willing to permit the NSPCC to withhold the name of their informant but in British Steel Corporation v Granada Television Ltd [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 417 the defendants were ordered to disclose the name of the plaintiff 's employee who had supplied them with confidential information belonging to the plaintiff .
7 The promotion of Æthelnoth to Canterbury in 1020 seemingly shows Cnut as willing to allow the Christ Church monks to elect their own dean .
8 willing to appoint the Winchester Group as appointed representatives of the Norwich Union on the basis of the two directors , Susan Lesley Bird and David Hugh Ross , as shown on the application form dated 9 February 1990 .
9 It failed because the French and the British were unhappy about supporting such a move and indeed the United Nations looked very likely er er to be more erm willing to condemn the United States than it was to condemn North Vietnam but the view of most countries in the world at that time was that North Viet that North and South Vietnam were part of the same country , that the Geneva accords in nineteen fifty four which called for unification should be upheld , and that the United States was interfering in , in a south east Asian country for no good reason .
10 It failed because the French and the British were unhappy about supporting such a move and indeed the United Nations looked very likely er er to be more erm willing to condemn the United States than it was to condemn North Vietnam but the view of most countries in the world at that time was that North Viet that North and South Vietnam were part of the same country , that the Geneva accords in nineteen fifty four which called for unification should be upheld , and that the United States was interfering in , in a south east Asian country for no good reason .
11 Since there were few Third World states in the 1960s willing to offer the USSR the military facilities it desired it had little to lose from supporting the principled opposition of the non-aligned group to foreign military bases .
12 Throughout the spring , talk of invasion was on everyone 's lips ; those who could help to fund the new military force did so , while others , providing they were householders or ‘ such other Persons as shall be recommended by two Householders ’ , were invited to enlist at the George Inn , ‘ … where such persons as are willing to join the Frome Selwood Volunteers , either cavalry or infantry , are requested to attend and sign their names ’ .
13 Harald , challenged by rival kin , was willing to become the Franks ' client .
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