Example sentences of "helping with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And helping with the handover to assistant chief housing officer Neil Schneider , were two young girls regarded by Stockton Borough Council as typical of the youngsters who would benefit from a successful bid .
2 They play a large part in the provision of welfare services , especially in running clubs and recreational activities and helping with the provision of meals , and they make a substantial contribution to the demand for residential care .
3 We used to play marbles in the alley-way together , and sail paper boats down the gutter when it rained , and we 'd spent all our hot summers together playing rounders on the field over the railway line and helping with the donkey-rides on the beach .
4 While Jessica and Karen had been helping with the salmon mousse , the dark-eyed alien had been lurking at the gate …
5 Bottle washing and bottling , helping with the bottling .
6 As soon as Honor was old enough she had been dragooned into helping with the housework , preparing meals if cook were ill , as well as acting as her mother 's companion .
7 He was in charge of a group of MSC workers who were helping with the work .
8 He built his house in Majorca , where the kids went to stay , helping with the work and joining in discussion groups .
9 So are you helping with the catering side or are you running a cake stall ?
10 The followers say the exhiliration and the spectacle of horse and hounds is a vital part of country life , providing jobs and helping with the management of the countryside .
11 he has , he 's not asked her , he 's nobbled her to actually get involved in helping with the compilation of the training package
12 Although they usually work as collaborators , helping with the meals for example , some women have become important leaders :
13 Sometimes on Sundays he would take her to the fields where he had been helping with the harvest , to see the rabbits , or a nest of mice .
14 At that time women were still employed underground in Cumberland filling the baskets as well as at surface tasks , while the wives of Staffordshire pitmen were said seldom to " do more than attend to the necessary calls of the Family " except for helping with the harvest .
15 The rugby club are helping with the organisation .
16 The Hatch Act was passed in 1939 to prevent federal workers from being coerced into helping with the re-election campaign of President Franklin D. Roosevelt .
17 Little acts of kindness which required the body 's co-operation , such as helping with the washing-up after a good meal , demanded a prodigious amount of persuasion ; while a really big thing , like finishing Student Cross , just met with stubborn resistance .
18 Within minutes he was helping with the digging .
19 He 'd just finished helping with the dishes when he decided it was time for high-jinks in the sink .
20 Accordingly , subject to work permits being forthcoming , I have accepted a post as Rector , and Elizabeth as a Diocesan Counsellor with special responsibility for helping with the problems of AIDS .
21 When I was a schoolboy in Cornwall , helping with the milk round , I tried to augment my pocket money by scraping laver bread off the rocks .
22 In certain circumstances , they can consider helping with the cost .
23 Delabere Pritchett Blaine ( 1770–1845 ) , a medical man , had been recommended to assist Vial by demonstrating anatomy and helping with the translation of Vial 's lectures .
24 When Juliet returned from coffee , she was immediately thrust into helping with the admission of a new patient .
25 ‘ He was helping with the feeding of the stock like he does every morning .
26 IBM Corp and Sequent Computer Systems Inc are possibly on it too — Siemens-Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG is helping with the chip so may also be in the line up .
27 IBM Corp and Sequent Computer Systems Inc are possibly on it too — Siemens AG is is helping with the chip so Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG so may also be in the line-up .
28 The country 's fifth national development plan , covering the period 1986-90 , was making progress at reducing economic dependence on revenues derived from petroleum and natural gas reserves and helping with the creation of new private-sector industries .
29 Social services departments also provide care and after care for older children , by running hostels for working boys and girls and helping with the costs of further education and training , or simply by offering friendship and advice .
30 They provide welfare support ranging from hospital visits to helping with the completion of applications for financial assistance for a variety of needs , such as rent , gas , electricity , telephone arrears , purchase of essential household equipment , clothing and travel costs to visit sick relatives .
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