Example sentences of "noted [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The three independent directors on the Saga board said last night that they had noted the possible offer , adding that discussions ‘ are at an early stage ’ and a further announcement would be made ‘ as soon as practicable ’ .
2 She had noted the young woman 's attire .
3 You will have noted the additional appointment of at least one wine waiter : the fact that the total wages bill has n't increased by more than about 2.2 per cent suggests that there have been some compensating reductions , probably in the part-time staff , and almost certainly in view of the decline in trade .
4 We have already noted the key instrumentalist arguments about capitalist domination of input politics above ( pp. 229–33 ) .
5 The editor might also have noted the colloquial sense of roaming around which the verb shatatsya carries , for this may perhaps have encouraged the switch from Shaposhnikov to Shatov as the novel began to define itself .
6 Phase 2 : attempts to correct The members have noted the continued deviation from group norms and deliberately attempt to correct the behaviour ( ‘ Do n't keep doing that , ‘ Put your clothes back on again' , ‘ You do n't have to go home yet , ‘ Have another drink ’ , etc . ) .
7 Later while being dragged through the house she had noted the dark hair , the strongly built body , but had hardly had time to consider the possible age and attractiveness of her irate and unwilling host .
8 But already McCreery had noted the critical situation building up in 5 Corps area reported in the earlier signal , 0.410 , and had begun to take action .
9 Has he also noted the Labour party 's policy proposal to reverse the decision of the parents and to claw back the education funds concerned to a centralised bureaucracy ?
10 When you have noted the overall length you need to produce , divide this length into suitable proportions for your argument , so that not only will you not run out of space but the essay will have a " balance " as it develops , with worked-out proportions being given to each stage .
11 For the time being , having noted the rival analysis , the issues will be approached through the framework of the traditional model and it will accordingly be assumed for the purposes of analysis that weak owner control at least raises a presumption that there is a problem about the adequacy of management discipline .
12 An orbiting imperial cruiser must have noted the attempted escape .
13 His voice was sardonic again — he had noted the present tense when she had spoken of her poor ‘ dead ’ papa !
14 They will have noted the strong support for Maastricht not only in the Bundestag but also in the Bundesrat , the upper chamber representing Germany 's independent-minded Länder ( states ) .
15 We really ought to have noted the various quantities remaining , when Dr Burney offered to tell us this morning .
16 Many writers have noted the widespread change in ideas and attitudes that occurred between 1939 and 1945 [ Addison , 1977 ] .
17 Asikpasazade , having noted the marked increase in the number of in Ali Pasa 's time , writes : " Those who came made the fetva [ an instrument of ] trickery and did away with piety
18 If you take special care to note landmarks on the far bank , use a swim marker to aid judgment , and make sure you have noted the exact spot , every time you cast you will soon have this area firmly implanted in your mind .
19 5.4.1 In both schools , we have noted the important contribution made to curriculum-related library development by the philosophies and policies of the staff involved .
20 We have already noted the erotic fantasies of men like Jelinger Symons over the appearance and behaviour of the pit girls .
21 But Robinson , eternally vigilant over his love and his interest , had seen and noted the direct force of the man 's design on Mary .
22 I am sure that the House will have noted the hon. Gentleman 's invention of a new doctrine — cost-free pay .
23 I have noted the hon. Gentleman 's interest in the matter .
24 It should be noted the original cost of the stock is a sunk cost and therefore is irrelevant in establishing the cost of manufacturing Abrasive .
25 If he has , has he noted the three pages of advertisements by receivers and administrators of companies that have failed ?
26 He had noted the bitter edge to Fraser 's voice .
27 In the period preceding the summit , observers had noted the French government 's willingness to take part in a broad discussion on NATO 's future aims and organization within the context of a general rethinking of European security needs and a commitment to greater European self-reliance in defence matters .
28 Centuries earlier the Bhagavad Gita had noted the same difficulty : " Self-conceited , haughty , full of pride and arrogance of wealth , they do acts of religious worship in name alone . "
29 In the final section of this chapter , we will consider the issue of urban-based politics in more detail , having noted the considerable variation in the levels of public provision between different towns and cities in Britain .
30 In this time I have noted the steady increase of people pursuing this activity and an equally heavy resistance to the sport by landowners and fishing groups .
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