Example sentences of "consider [v-ing] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Consider using the points system to help you .
2 Against the evidence of the German authorities and the German police , and given that even the Israeli secret service thinks that others may have been involved , would it not at least be a sensible plan to talk to the Arab League about the very serious problem of Lockerbie and at least consider accepting the request to send British and American judges in the first instance to a trial under Libyan law ?
3 Consider upping the effect with magic weapons if you can afford it .
4 Consider delaying the flash till he 's gone by a bit further or whatever the case may be .
5 Why should the government or industry consider funding the activities of scholars who are marginalized by their own professions ?
6 Unless you want to intimidate the people you are seeing ( and you will get a less truthful picture of them if you do ) then consider conducting the interview in two fairly comfortable chairs placed at angles next to each other .
7 If the joint begins to give trouble late in the day and you have a chance of a placing , then consider reapplying the bandage , only this time slightly tighter .
8 In the light of that , will my right hon. Friend the Chancellor consider consulting the Secretary of State to establish whether the SSAs for prudent authorities , which demand such remarkable reductions in costs and prices , are really justified ?
9 If we consider starting the endowment here but presumably gon na run twenty-five years in fact you 're gon na finish in year twenty-three when they borrowed the money , are n't they , so they 've only borrowed the money for twenty-three years .
10 So if you would usually start the programme with the address from the mayor at 9.30am , consider having the mayor speak at a breakfast at 8am and then give everyone a two-hour break from 11am to have a sight-seeing walk or shopping session before returning for lunch .
11 Lautro should reconsider its practice of issuing a press notice and consider deferring the issue of a press notice until after the person affected has had an opportunity to apply for the notice to be rescinded , to make representations to that effect , and Lautro 's board has ruled in the application ( post , pp. 581F–G , 582A ) .
12 Although this is not a matter in respect of which we are asked to grant any relief , I believe that Lautro should reconsider its practice in this respect , and consider deferring the issue of a press notice until after the person affected has had the opportunity to apply for the notice to be rescinded and to make representations to that effect , and Lautro 's board have ruled in the application .
13 Will the Lord Chancellor consider asking the Lord Chief Justice to establish a committee of judges and practitioners to propose reforms to be approved by a practice direction , and by legislation where necessary ?
14 If you can not afford it consider dropping the unit altogether .
15 Will my right hon. Friend consider extending the inquiry of Leicestershire social services department to investigate departments throughout the country ?
16 I consider playing the hand-held I bought in Inverness but I 'm either not hooked on it yet or my jaded palate has produced game-boredom already .
17 If territorial fish are likely to cause difficulties with new introductions consider rearranging the tank furnishings immediately before introducing new fish to break-up established territories .
18 Consider advising the client that it is in his interest to maintain profitability through any warranty period .
19 Consider embedding the names of programmers or the company name within the program code ; this can be extremely useful evidentially if a software pirate denies copying .
20 Doctors sometimes consider adjusting the hormone balance in girls with long-term persistent acne , using a chemical which blocks the action of male hormones in the body , combined with the female hormone oestrogen .
21 Consider restricting the heads of agreement to key terms only and covering minor issues at the contract stage .
22 The owners consider offering the manager ( suppose like A in figure 3.1 ) , an income of £0 if the firm does badly , £1000 if it does well , " contract 1 " , pocketing the rest themselves .
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