Example sentences of "offered him the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tyndale was nervous , and , when Vaughan offered him the King 's promise of safety if he returned to England , he expressed his fear that the promise might be broken on the persuasion of the clergy , who would affirm that promises made with heretics need not be kept .
2 Gerald Baker , a Mandan-Hidatsa Indian who is the park ranger at Fort Union Trading Post in North Dakota , once the ‘ Times Square of the plains ’ , taught Mr Frazier how to use a double-bladed throwing axe and offered him the honour of joining him in a ceremonial sweat bath .
3 He was running short of petrol and that route offered him the chance to capture replenishments along the way .
4 He had spoken to his solicitor earlier , and the officer offered him the chance to see a solicitor , which was declined .
5 Big Lou hired John Surtees and offered him the whole of my £27,000 budget for drivers , leaving nothing for Jackie Oliver .
6 Blackwell had already been in touch with William Penn [ q.v. ] , when the Quaker proprietor offered him the deputy governorship of the infant colony of Pennsylvania , in a desperate attempt to reassert his authority over the resident Quaker oligarchy based in Philadelphia .
7 Now , instead of trying to pull against him , she offered him the handle .
8 As a challenge the chief of the Poltava guberniia Department of Education offered him the directorship of this residential school for war-orphans .
9 MGM were prepared to make the film as a star vehicle for him and originally offered him the role of Captain Bligh .
10 One paper , on the causes of climatic changes during geological history , caught the attention of geologists and Geikie offered him the post as manager of the new office in Edinburgh .
11 But it was a surprise when W. E. Gladstone offered him the post of deputy whip , an offer which he decided to accept .
12 According to another version of events , Mozart was visited by a ‘ mysterious stranger ’ who offered him the commission on behalf of an anonymous patron , producing the initial fee immediately .
13 Taking the tray up on deck , she offered him the plate , then helped herself and , mouth watering in anticipation , began to eat .
14 When Gilroy explained the commercial necessities of having to recast , and offered him the job of understudy and assistant stage manager , he stormed out of the theatre in a rage .
15 No one had — at least officially — offered him the job , though he knew Hogan of Marlboro would be glad to have him , but the bluff worked .
16 He had been working at the Council depot as an attendant when Joe offered him the job , and he had been very pleased to make the change .
17 The council , the local housing authority , seeking to comply with the duty imposed on them by section 65 of the Housing Act 1985 to make accommodation available , offered him the tenancy of a sixth-floor flat .
18 ‘ I also found these , ’ I said , and offered him the handful of cartridge cases .
19 She offered him the tray of boiled sweets .
20 She had expected him to leave her but he stayed watching her quietly , picking a biscuit off the plate himself , sharing her milk when she offered him the glass .
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