Example sentences of "to speak [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Jane nodded , afraid to speak for fear of damming the flow .
2 We were numb ; we did n't want to speak for fear of returning to our banal selves again .
3 For several seconds the two women sat staring at one another , unable to speak for thinking of that awful scene .
4 What is truly disturbing , is that by taking it upon themselves to speak of behalf of the nation , artists have collaborated with the regime .
5 It is difficult to speak with precision of the details of his diplomacy ; but certain general points are clear .
6 In June 1873 , the STC reported that it was " scarcely possible " to speak with confidence of the numbers employed , " perhaps they may reach 50 [ overall ] … but the number is increasing at an alarming rate " .
7 In his horror at what happened in the House of Commons , he started to speak in favour of the motion .
8 When the time arrives , the proposer has 10 minutes to speak in favour of his Bill and an opposer may speak for 10 minutes against it .
9 New government leaders continued to speak in favour of Mongol-Soviet ties , but after the March plenum Foreign Minister Gombosuren expressed the hope that Mongolian-Chinese relations would achieve the same level as Mongolian-Soviet relations .
10 Hawke , who had been expected to speak in favour of a party report recommending the approval of new mines on a case-by-case basis , made no contribution to the debate .
11 Yet when his campaign train reached McCarthy 's state of Wisconsin , where he planned to speak in defence of his old chief , he thought better of it and let that guy from the gutter stay on the train .
12 ( So much so that when , at the 1989 party conference , a delegate got up to speak in defence of Sunday as a day of worship , he was met with a chorus of boos from shopkeepers on the floor . )
13 You can also ask people to speak in support of what you say .
14 I really just wanted to speak in support of .
15 As a departure from the usual , the IBOA President was requested to speak in recognition of the fact that the IBOA has , after several years , again a President domiciled in Northern Ireland .
16 Would be easing , so to speak in sort of units of horses or electricity .
17 Levi would have understood that challenge , just as I think he would have been happy to agree that it is possible to speak without contradiction of the literal imagination .
18 Bishop is to speak on ordination of women
19 John Waine — to speak on ordination of women
20 Aside from these sorts of problems , I believe all of us who presume to speak on behalf of the other animals should worry , not a little but a lot , about the possibility of the Goliath of contemporary environmental concerns co-opting the David of animal protection .
21 The Churches have formed a coalition to speak on behalf of the thousands of homeless people in this country .
22 If a group claiming to speak on behalf of elderly people had failed to deliver because its own interests were at variance with those of its wider public , the absence of any promotional or representative body during the following decade rendered the pensioners ' position still more hazardous .
23 Chair my name 's Pete from Partnership 's I 'm here as a member of the public I 'm not here to speak on behalf of the theatre at all .
24 Here are his engagements for three successive days in January 1937 , for example ; on Thursday , 7 January , he visited a community centre in North Kensington in order to prepare a five-minute radio speech on it as a " good cause " ; on Friday , 8 January , he attended a meeting of the British Council of Churches and , on Saturday , 9 January , he went to Chelmsford in order to speak on behalf of a mystery play by Charles Williams which was being performed there .
25 In 1926 Winifred Holtby visited South Africa for over five months , to speak on behalf of the League of Nations Union .
26 When I read Coal News after our last coal debate , it appeared as though the only people to speak on behalf of the mining industry were the hon. Member for Sherwood and his hon. Friend the Member for Nottingham , South ( Mr. Brandon-Bravo ) .
27 Some of our friends have no speech , but if we have thought about the symbol , we will be able to speak on behalf of our friends .
28 Until 1978 that is , when we had the first and last National Conference in this country and after spending about three days cooking rice and feeling very exhausted , I went up on the platform to speak on behalf of Chi lean women and I was made to shut up .
29 He appeared to speak on behalf of others in his platoon , young men who had just left boyhood behind , as they crouched hunched over cleaning rags and oil , stripping down their SA-80 rifles and machine guns in the cramped confines of their bunk room .
30 ‘ Am I there to speak on behalf of the council ?
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