Example sentences of "to speak [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , Jennens was the first to speak about the financial aspects of the project .
2 It was felt that married women like Butler should lead the movement , because her status as wife and mother gave her more authority to speak about the delicate issue of sexuality .
3 Traveller and singer Elisabeth Parry is to speak about the Hakkari region of Turkey which was closed to foreigners for more than 40 years .
4 ‘ You 're right , Dane , ’ she said tenderly , allowing her unguarded heart to speak for the first time .
5 This is an important point to make , since many theoretical positions both before and after the work of Grice have assumed that omniscience in analysis is a possible option , and analyses are produced that claim to speak for the general reader while also using biographical information on the author from an asserted privileged position ( much of the methodology and work of F.R. Leavis ( e.g. 1936 , 1967 ) and his followers is characterised by this approach ) .
6 Husayn stated that if the PLO fell under Syrian domination there was a legitimate question as to whether it would continue to speak for the Palestinian people .
7 Does he also agree that , although the violence of the provisional IRA and others who claim with no legitimacy to speak for the Irish people as a whole , is sickening , it is equally disgusting , disgraceful and sickening to see those who claim to be loyal to the Unionist cause killing , tit for tat , for no reason other than that people happen to be Catholic ?
8 These poets are trying to speak for the lost generations , condemned forever to inarticulacy ; and to speak aloud about simple things that they had been forbidden even to think about .
9 Claiming to speak for the eighty per cent of Kindertransporte refugees who were clearly Jewish ( though of these only twenty per cent were orthodox and at least fourteen per cent were non-practising ) , Schonfeld argued a policy of Jewish homes for Jewish children and , if this failed , for the RCM to devote its energies to raising money for hostels where religious supervision ( of a strictly orthodox nature ) could be guaranteed .
10 I , I , maybe before we start that , on the point of reductions , and I 'll ask both er , George and , and er , Jean and Mike to , to speak for the different political groups , as part of the P A G , erm , when we did go through this process , I , I mean it was very difficult for us as a P A G.
11 Calling it ‘ one of the worst taxes ever created in the history of man ’ , the Duke appeared to speak for the old Conservative tradition .
12 Lawton , for example , claimed to speak for the Whiggish Jacobites , the Church of England Jacobites , and the Roman Catholics .
13 If this view is right , it is misleading to speak of the empirical content of an individual statement — especially if it is a statement at all remote from the experiential periphery of the field .
14 Mary Alston , arguing the case for a pay rise , pointed out in a speech as early as 1922 that It may be that prior to 1914 , women were employed in book composing only , but we must not forget the introduction of monotypes diverted hand labour to other channels correcting , making up and so forth , and in every large office today , not to speak of the small ones , we find women compositors setting , making up , doing author 's corrections and in some offices making ready for machine .
15 Standing around the lobbies , bars and corridors of the Commons after Mr Major 's 1990 budget speech were plenty of Tories ready to speak of the new chancellor as a possible ‘ healing ’ prime minister .
16 A few years after Lanfranc 's arrival , Eadmer described the English monks as living the lives of earls rather than monks , ‘ in all worldly glory , with gold and silver , with changes of fine clothes and delicate food , not to speak of the various kinds of musical instruments in which they delighted , and the horses , dogs and hawks with which they sometimes took exercise ’ .
17 Willis presents evidence to show that his competence is cumulative and so ‘ makes it sensible to speak of the working class not as an abstract group of those who share similar interests but as an organic whole with real and used inner connections ’ ( Willis , 1976 ) .
18 As time went on , the threat of ferocious barbarians seemed to become more and more intense : the Vikings , the Muslims in the Mediterranean , the Hungarians , not to speak of the internal disorders arising from the division of Charlemagne 's empire .
19 The observations which we shall make can be directly linked to an account of the overall possibilities of English grammatical structure ; by this we do not mean to speak of the paradigmatic relationships between different clauses , but of the syntagmatic relations which construct the clause itself .
20 Even if it had , the selfhood would be in the replicas of the gene scattered over different bodies ; that the gene , analogous though it is to species rather than to individual , has to be taken as the unit , is precisely because it is more useful for explanation to speak of the selfish gene than of the altruistic replica .
21 It was , they said , " unEnglish " to spy on anybody , and Punch delighted for years afterwards to speak of the Defective Department .
22 In the face of the fight against Microsoft Corp ( not to speak of the old Unix Wars ) we leave you this week with the observation that this is more true of the Unix industry than not .
23 No doubt you enjoy the effect of the exposed sock , the way the bum-freezer jacket now shows the waistband of the trousers — not to speak of the exciting way the buttons strain across my chest . ’
24 It was a Saturday night and I had a fortnight of holiday ahead of me while the Airds were unexpectedly away , not to speak of the obligatory Sunday to get through , the one that would have fallen to me in any case .
25 The New Testament writers use a variety of terms to speak of the Holy Spirit 's work in making us Christians .
26 Though there have always been differences between countries outside the First World , for a long time it did appear to make sense to speak of The Third World , the title of Worsley 's very influential book ( 1973 ) on the subject .
27 ‘ That 's no way to speak of the Dead .
28 Nicandra waved and smiled at Dada , but did not try to speak above the enormous racket of his engine .
29 Ceauşescu 's arrogance in presuming not only to treat the Soviet General-Secretary as a person on a par with himself , but also one without the necessary experience to speak with the full authority of a veteran revolutionary like himself undoubtedly aroused a mixture of irritation and amused contempt in Gorbachev .
30 I began with the desire to speak with the dead .
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