Example sentences of "begun [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Even before Curtis 's barked order of ‘ Get this fuckin' heap movin' ! ’ the alert driver had already flipped the car into gear and begun to swing into the traffic stream .
2 The American boy had begun to fall under the spell of the old Annamese city soon after crossing the lotus-choked moat into the Kinh Thanh , or Capital City , the first of three concentric " cities " within the citadel modeled on the ancient walled quarters of Peking .
3 House prices have already begun to fall across the country with the most recent statistics showing the Midlands and the North joining London and the South-east .
4 In recent years the Greens have begun to profit like the FOP from split voting .
5 In the United States , prompted by new legal rights to challenge developments on environmental grounds , critics of nuclear power had already begun to object to the licensing of new reactors .
6 The surface had just begun to shimmer in the light when Mrs Rosalia Alderley came out through the French windows of the ballroom and stopped , staring in thunderstruck amazement .
7 Documents from the report have begun to circulate on the island .
8 Documents recently released by Birmingham LEA also reveal the degree of teacher and local authority hostility to the growing black presence in the schools , and the caricatures that had begun to circulate around the lifestyles and ‘ racial character ’ of ‘ Asia tics ’ and ‘ West Indians ’ .
9 Peter had only just begun to go through the night without demanding a feed .
10 Yet rather than desert their tradition , people have begun to search within the myths and rituals of their religion for interpretations that redress this balance .
11 The previous autumn , the muggy monsoon heat had begun to diminish on the very day following the festival of Dusshera .
12 We still cherished the idea of putting together a ‘ counterblast ’ ; but I perceived in due course that we had begun to differ regarding the objective to be demolished .
13 This message has begun to percolate through the corridors of science power .
14 The hon. Member for Hamilton ( Mr. Robertson ) is not usually given to fanciful rhetoric , and if he studies the movement of opinion in Europe he must know that since Maastricht more and more people have begun to comment on the future of Europe in the same sort of way as my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and I did before .
15 It 's thought a fault in an electric fire set light to the downstairts bedroom — when the twins father Mark Bettinson smelt smoke flames had already begun to creep towards the twins cots .
16 She had begun to pull on the long suede gloves which she had earlier stripped from her beautiful hands .
17 The promise of 1968 had begun to fade before the year had ended .
18 Owen 's mind had begun to work on the same lines .
19 She had just begun to worry about the honeymoon , finding an image of Hywel in Benidorm particularly elusive , when she was summoned by the doctor .
20 Over the last two years , however , it can hardly have escaped your notice that a new software application called desktop publishing has begun to appear on the scene .
21 His articles on ‘ Nature ’ topics , too , had begun to appear in the various journals where Noble had influence , New Age , the Speaker , and the Globe .
22 Yet even Renan 's treatment was to be regarded as saccharine and uncritically sentimental by the generation of Modernists who had begun to appear in the last quarter of the nineteenth century .
23 He had already begun contributing to the Gardeners ' Chronicle .
24 After paying for her younger sister 's lavish wedding last autumn he had begun saving for the world cruise he had promised her mother for their thirtieth wedding anniversary .
25 Even in country areas , and in provincial towns like Middlemarch , largely untroubled by the growth of industry and the independent proletariat it generated , there are obvious reasons why the gulf between the two nations should have begun to open during the Regency .
26 Something behind it prevented it from fully opening and a dark , viscous substance that in the subdued light looked like a patch of oil was spreading from an invisible source and had begun soaking into the carpet .
27 ‘ Many of our recent troubles in retaining and maintaining public confidence might have been less severe and more easily solved if we had not begun to depart from the traditional relationships between ranks , ’ he added .
28 It must have been nearly three months before I heard from Mrs Ainsworth , and in fact I had begun to wonder at the bassets ' long symptomless run when she came on the phone .
29 Moreover , the resulting decline in council housing has begun to lead to the rise of the ghetto .
30 When he was at home he had begun living at the School , where he boarded up the broken windows and had the chimneys cleaned .
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