Example sentences of "stared at [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He stared at himself in the mirror as they measured him .
2 He stared at them without speaking , conveying his meaning by the blank coldness of his gaze .
3 After a couple of hours of observing in these conditions , shapes and objects in front of me appeared to move , if I stared at them for too long .
4 It was five or six minutes later that Piladu appeared on the mountainside , stared at them for sometime and then tramped slowly towards them tightly wrapped in his hooded cloak .
5 Before doing so , Father Duryea stared at them for many arduous minutes .
6 But even so , Louise was so hungry that she stared at them with a fearful concentration , ignoring Fleury 's polite conversation as he made the tea .
7 Stared at them with his bleeding eyes .
8 The mottled old man two beds away stared at them with poached eyes .
9 She stared at them in disbelief .
10 Emily stared at them in horror but then a few bills did n't mean anything , most people hung on to their money for as long as they could , it was simply the way of businessmen .
11 Adults stared at them in not altogether dumb , but spluttering amazement .
12 Two passing merchants stared at them in surprised disapproval .
13 Rachel got up from the sun-lounger , her feet burning on the hot stone floor of the terrace , and stared at him through her dark glasses as he strode into the living-room .
14 Jed just stared at him across the top of his glass .
15 Coleby stared at him across the table .
16 She stared at him with a stiff , expressionless face .
17 Myles raised his head and stared at him with wide terror-filled eyes .
18 She stared at him with her beautiful Indian eyes , puzzled I am sure by this tall man looking down at her .
19 She stared at him with defiant hazel eyes .
20 He took the arm of the girl who stared at him with shock-darkened eyes .
21 She stared at him with large serious eyes .
22 She pursed her lips and stared at him with her grey eyes .
23 Emilia stared at him with Medusa 's eyes a moment then eased herself further into the bed where she lay gripping the coverlet with white fingers .
24 But … you said — ’ Horror-struck , she stared at him with frightened eyes .
25 Merrill clasped her hands and stared at him with softly humourous eyes .
26 She moved suddenly , unable to stay still as she walked into the room and stared at him with contempt .
27 All thoughts of where they were and what was happening fled abruptly as she stared at him with a shock that soon turned to joy as she saw the expression on his face .
28 She was scarcely aware of the tapping at the door until it opened and Niall came into the room , his presence the catalyst for so many warring emotions within her that she stared at him with mutinous , tear-filled eyes .
29 Stopping in her tracks , she stared at him with cool , blank eyes and freed her arm .
30 But — ’ she stared at him with saucer-wide eyes ‘ — are n't you furious with me ? ’
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