Example sentences of "stared at [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She stared at him a moment , then understood .
2 Berdichev stopped and stared at him a moment .
3 Tolonen stared at him a moment , nodding , his lips pressed tightly together , his earnest grey eyes looking out from a face carved like granite .
4 She stared at him a moment , her eyes narrowed slightly , as if she saw through the flesh to the bone itself , and while he met her staring eyes unflinchingly , something in the depths of him squirmed and tried to break away .
5 The old man stared at him a moment , then nodded .
6 Karr stared at him a moment , then laughed .
7 She stared at him a long while , then shrugged .
8 Sara stared at him a little blankly .
9 Fran stared at him a puzzled frown marring her smooth brow .
10 The ship drifted in the sea of lost souls as the occupants of that bubble of reality stared at what the warp-scope showed .
11 He stared at her a moment , his eyes confused , pained .
12 He too stared at her a lot , but in pity , it seemed , not lust .
13 Ward stared at her a moment .
14 He stared at me a moment , as though he suspected I might be hiding something from him .
15 They stood and stared at me the man with a vague anger , it seemed , the girl expressionlessly .
16 He stared at it a moment , then handed it across to Karr .
17 He stared at it a moment , then looked up at her .
18 He stared at it a while , feeling hollow , emptied of all feeling , then looked away sharply , bitter with himself .
19 I stared at it a long time .
20 The more Creggan himself stared at it the bigger and stranger it became , looming out of the mist , its grey shrouds entwined round it .
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