Example sentences of "stared at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Helen stared at the oak chest and wondered what was in it .
2 He rose , paced about the little room , stared at the oak bureau , remembered it in his old room , in the nursery ; it had come here with Matey — he remembered her showing him the secret drawer it held , quite capacious , and unthinkingly worked the mechanism which opened it —
3 He did not say a word , just stared at the sky .
4 He sat up and stared at the sky in wonder .
5 He turned over and stared at the sky .
6 Aaron sat on the roof and stared at the sky .
7 Then she fell back on the turf and stared at the sky until she deemed it time to go home .
8 Cranston steadied himself carefully on the icy cobbles and stared at the sky .
9 Tony stared at the criss-cross cuts all over Tippy 's thighs .
10 George stared at the bagpipes as I clambered into the passenger seat beside him and sat with the pipes on my lap .
11 Ellie stared at the painting some more , before she started to explain .
12 He stared at the painting .
13 … stout Cortez , when with eagle eyes He stared at the Pacific — and all his men Looked at each other with wild surmise — Silent , upon a peak in Darién .
14 The Prince chewed at a fingernail as he stared at the map .
15 Jackson stared at the map , half-focused , until the highways and streets and open spaces seemed to crawl and shift .
16 The magician turned , stared at the cat and said something in a strange language .
17 He lifted the lid and stared at the keys a while .
18 He could tell she was very annoyed by the way she jogged her foot up and down as she stared at the window .
19 She sat on the corner of the old sofa with her legs folded under her and stared at the window , willing the oil lamp not to sputter and distort the sounds that belonged to the night : the true night that lay outside in the garden and the valley and held dominion over the hills .
20 He leaned back and stared at the window .
21 After Joe had hung up , he stared at the window for a while .
22 She stared at the window aghast , and the woman 's face stared back , shadowy and haggard , blurred by the streaming rain .
23 She half turned away and stared at the horizon .
24 She stared at the papers in her hand uncomprehendingly .
25 It was too late to save the rick , so for a few minutes he stood and stared at the flames .
26 Rincewind turned and stared at the flames racing towards them , and wondered how much of Ankh-Morpork could be bought for two hundred rhinu .
27 Lisa stared at the message for a long , long time , trying to stifle the sudden swift beat of her heart .
28 Corbett stared at the coins .
29 They stared at the branch .
30 Lever stared at the parcel a moment , his eyes burning with curiosity , then looked up again , smiling .
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