Example sentences of "to hold [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The government and five leading banks agreed on March 18 to cut interest rates by an average of 3 percentage points in an effort to hold down the exchange rate for the sol which had strengthened against the US dollar from the beginning of 1992 .
2 The Environment Secretary , Chris Patten , on July 19 announced a £3,300 million package to hold down the level of the community charge or poll tax , which included an improved system of rebates and other measures .
3 Mr Major resisted the temptation to leave some excise duties unchanged in order to hold down the inflation rate .
4 Finally , materials stockpiling was encouraged by the Japanese government in 1972–3 in an attempt to hold down the yen exchange rate .
5 He told a man who would be called as a witness he helped others to hold down the victim while his mate killed him .
6 Four men were needed to hold down the steering oars , which bucked in their harnesses like panicked elephants .
7 I had to hold down the wheelbarrow by sitting on it while taking off my hat , changing into my jeans , and putting on goggles and a smog-mask .
8 Just look at some of the people who have managed to hold down the job over the years : Tommy Docherty , Malcolm Allison , Bobby ‘ Rattling Dentures ’ Robson , most of the 1970–71 Leeds side ( although none of them for very long ) , Alan Ball and various sad , ex-midfield maestros who later became senior sales executives ( North Lincolnshire Region ) for foot-salve manufacturers and double glazing distribution companies .
9 He finds no real evidence of any government attempting to hold down the rate of inflation in the short run in order to promote its own popularity at election time .
10 ‘ I 've no wish to hold up the tour a minute longer than necessary , Mr Ashenden , but I 've got certain duties in this case which will involve your co-operation .
11 For its part , the Phnom Penh government insisted that the " obstacle " of the former ruler must not be allowed to hold up the peace process , and denied that he had to be SNC chair under September 's Jakarta agreement on setting up the SNC .
12 The books were at the auditors and I did n't want to hold up the minutes and , as you 'd all mostly seen them anyway , I felt that perhaps I could let them go .
13 On agreed and worked-out policies , one country in the ministerial Council should not be able to hold up the progress of the European Community as a whole .
14 A stake is there to hold up the tree and not , as is so often seen , the other way round .
15 After some discussion we decided to hold up the cheque for a day or two instead of refusing it , while I made some informal inquiries .
16 Reports were carried by Agence-France Presse on May 1 of heavy fighting around Saa'da involving Moslem tribes opposed to unity , and by the UK newspaper the Independent on May 12 suggesting that Saudi Arabia was fomenting this resistance to hold up the unity process [ but see p. 37266 for official Saudi position welcoming unification ] .
17 Someone was to hold up the traffic , another to get the guards , but first someone was sent down the side lane towards St Vincent 's Hospital to alert casualty and summon help .
18 Instead of investing money in education programmes which might help counteract rising crime , politicians prefer to hold up the death penalty as evidence that they are doing something tough about crime .
19 In the centre was Gemioncourt farm which should have been a fortress to hold up the French , but was now empty because the Belgian guns and infantry had fled straight past the farm , thus yielding its strong walls and loopholed barns to the enemy .
20 The object was not to provide refreshment but to hold up the party for two or three minutes in order to get the press into position .
21 One of the reasons why I was in favour of televising the House and Committees was that I thought that it might be a good idea for the public to see Standing Committees , with Ministers doing their mail and others trying to hold up the business .
22 The bomb Simon Cormack had been carrying on his person was concealed in the broad leather belt he wore around his waist and which had been given him by his abductors to hold up the denim jeans they had also provided for him .
23 Jordan temporarily closes its border to hold up the influx of refugees .
24 He had planned to hold up the cash desk of an Oxford Street store .
25 When the veins of coal were mined , pillars of coal had to be left to hold up the roof of the mine , rather like the pillars in a multistorey car park .
26 There were no stray leaves on the line to hold up the train and service in the first class was near-faultless .
27 All you had to do was to hold up the negotiations until I got desperate and then bully me into authorizing the Japanese deal on the pretext of raising money to pay for my release !
28 The Financial Times of June 28 described this review clause " ploy " as designed " to hold out the hope to countries which feel their aspirations unsatisfied in this constitutional revision that they may do better next time " .
29 When Admiralty Lord , Sir Robert Rich , stood for Dunwich in 1695 , he arranged for three " men-of-war " to anchor off the small Suffolk port during the time of the election , to hold out the threat of the press-gang to any who voted against the Whig candidates .
30 To hold out the olive-branch , so to speak . ’
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