Example sentences of "to hold [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In early January the Prime Minister and the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary ( Douglas Hurd ) had each visited the Gulf and surrounding areas : Major on Jan. 6-9 to meet members of the British armed forces and to hold discussions with the Amir of Kuwait , King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and Mubarak , and Hurd on Jan. 10-14 for talks in Bahrain , Qatar , the United Arab Emirates , Jordan and Turkey .
2 ‘ We will have to hold discussions with the transport department but investigations are getting under way , ’ she added .
3 Some arranged for consultants to hold clinics on the practice premises , thus improving access for their patients but not necessarily achieving a cost saving .
4 Editor , — Robin Russell Jones 's letter suggests that dermatologists are unhappy with pressure from general practice fundholders to hold clinics in the community .
5 The British Factory as such had virtually been dissolved by 1812 , although a few ‘ Select Merchants ’ continued to hold meetings under the title of ‘ The Factory ’ until 1848 .
6 It added : ‘ This university is the last island of democracy in this country , ’ and said that during Ian Smith 's time as Prime Minister , students had the right to hold meetings on the campus without prior official approval .
7 The next day , US State Department representative Margaret Tutwiler hinted to reporters that Baker was considering transferring his attention from the Middle East to areas of the world " where the circumstances are producing change " , although he continued to hold meetings on the Middle East during January .
8 With all the sense of timing learnt as champion jockey , he creates situation after situation of rising suspense to hold readers by the hundred thousand glued to the battle of wits between hero and villains that he has devised .
9 It is fairly common to have two areas of control store , one read-only ( to hold microprograms for the computer instruction set ) and one writeable .
10 Attorney General Amos Wako announced the same day that political parties would not be required to obtain licences to hold rallies during the election campaign , and that all parties would be allocated equal air time on national radio and television .
11 It was also in this year that the Company lost — at least legally — its sole right of control over appointments , for schoolmasters were now required to hold licences from the Bishop of their province in this case , Chester .
12 Officials at Cheltenham , which stages the trial fixture on November 15 , have agreed to hold sweepstakes on the races .
13 Tonight , alone and quiet after the eventful day , the shadows seemed to hold ghosts of the past , and there was so much here to remind her that this had once been Elise 's home .
14 On Aug. 18 Ratsiraka declared Madagascar to be a federation of six states with himself as President , claiming to have the support of the five provinces where his ruling Arema party continued to hold majorities in the regional councils .
15 The Department of the Environment , which is undertaking the work , is to hold consultations with the local district council before the plans are finalised .
16 The number of foresters was to be limited under the supervision of the regarders : no warden or local Forest officer was to hold pleas of the forest , which were reserved for the Forest Eyre .
17 Although geopolitical factors ( desire of East Europeans to hold dollars outside the US ) and the US current account deficit ( which led to an accumulation of dollar holdings in Europe ) played a role , the development of the euromarkets is largely explicable in terms of various fiscal and prudential regulations applied to domestic financial markets .
18 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
19 The Georgian State Council voted to hold elections to the republican Supreme Council on Oct. 11 , and to extend the curfew in the capital Tbilisi for another month , it was reported on May 1 .
20 A spokesman for the Assembly stated that it was hoped to hold elections by the end of 1992 , but that they might have to be postponed for a few months given the parlous state of the country .
21 President Ali Abdullah Saleh was reported on Oct. 9 to have reaffirmed his longstanding commitment to hold elections by the end of November , despite tensions in the government and a succession of murders and bombings [ see p. 38936 ] .
22 At the same time , I welcomed the Indian Government 's decision to hold elections in the Punjab , and I hope that all parties there will feel able to take part .
23 And more than 14 months after the invasion — despite the violation of numerous international treaties and agreements , and even provisions of the US Constitution , Congress has not yet seen fit to hold hearings on the US invasion of Panama .
24 The four wartime allies and two Germanies agree to hold talks on the security implications of unification [ pp. 37259-61 ] .
25 International pressure on Aoun continued to grow with the arrival on March 5 of a Vatican mediator , Mgr Alberto Sozzi , and on March 9 Aoun announced in an interview with the daily newspaper An Nahar that he was willing to hold talks with the LF to end the fighting and to discuss without preconditions the accord reached by the Lebanese Parliament in Taif , Saudi Arabia on Oct. 22 , 1989 [ see p 36986 ] .
26 On Nov 20 a spokesman for Gailani had denied reports that he intended to meet Najibullah , and on Nov. 21 Mujjaddedi also denied meeting him , adding that " neither we nor our representatives are ready to hold talks with the puppet Najib or his representative " .
27 Signalling a partial retreat from the hardline stance which had apparently allowed January 's military crackdown , Gorbachev on Feb. 1 published decrees announcing the composition of delegations to hold talks with the three Baltic republics on " political , social and economic questions " .
28 He also announced the formation of a committee to hold talks with the opposition [ see pp. 37767-68 ] .
29 Visiting Gao on July 23 during a tour of the north , Touré called on the rebels to lay down their arms and to hold talks with the government .
30 An opposition communiqué released on May 20 , however , expressed a willingness to hold talks with the government in order to pave the way for a return to democracy .
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