Example sentences of "grown [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Radius has grown as a company by acquiring firms in specific vertical markets , and Bland said , spends a lot of time looking for suitable purchases .
2 The bourbon shrub rose ‘ Zéphirine Drouhin ’ is widely grown as a climber because it produces scented pink flowers and its lack of thorns makes pruning easier .
3 Sciagraphy has grown as a convention used by architects and engineers because it can be used to reveal detail in forms that might otherwise be lost in orthographic linear projections .
4 Since the balance of payments has become a structural problem because of the prolonged period of under-investment , imports have grown as a share of UK domestic spending , making the growth of inflation resulting from devaluation more rapid .
5 All I can do is to share my experience with them and tell them how fulfilling I have found it all , and how I have grown as a person .
6 The grass is grown as a ley , in rotation .
7 A tribe is a family which has grown as a result of births .
8 The losses of the state sector had grown as a result of the explosion of labour costs with the return to democracy , and because the state holding company INI ( Instituto Nacional de Industrias ) became a ‘ hospital ’ for near-bankrupt private companies ; these accounted for more than 40 per cent of its losses in 1983 .
9 Because of its specialist requirements it should be grown as a specimen plant on its own .
10 It is not surprising that it was , and still is , grown as a garden plant , since its large , soft , grey-green leaves and brightly coloured flowers are splendidly ornamental .
11 Catch crops , which are grown as a bonus between the main courses of a rotation , can be very worth while provided they do not interfere with the cultivation and growing of main crops , cause undue proliferation of weeds , or form a ‘ disease link ’ between susceptible main crops .
12 It was strongly supported in the 1950s by the companies who purchased the cotton grown as a cash crop in the savannah , because it appeared to be the most effective way to reverse the declining fertility and falling yields which had become apparent by that time .
13 Er grown as a cash crop or er or erm
14 Ligustrum ovalifolium " Aureum Marginatum " ( golden privet ) grown as a bush is invaluable for flower arranging .
15 You have to distinguish between the Norway species , grown as a street tree , and the common wild sycamore , both of which have large leaves , and the garden kinds originating in China and the eastern regions of North America , which have much smaller leaves and an elegant bearing .
16 Ichthus has grown through a combination of traditional evangelistic methods and of rediscovery of powerful ministry in the Holy Spirit .
17 Cereal crops — wheat , barley , oats , rye , maize , or ‘ dredge ’ mixtures — may be grown for a variety of reasons : for the sale of grain for milling , malting , or animal feed ; for home bread-making ; for feeding one 's own livestock either threshed and rolled or on the straw ; for grazing as a green crop ; for arable silage ; for ploughing in to increase fertility ; or for the sale of thatching straw .
18 If you accept the definition of a weed as " a plant growing where it is not wanted " , once it has a use and is being grown for a purpose , it is no longer a weed .
19 In the arable fields the same crops were grown throughout a field and the task of harvesting was undertaken communally .
20 But over the last twelve months the trickle of disclosures , has grown into a river of revelations .
21 One reviewer of the Salon des Indépendants of 1912 writes : ‘ Now that the Cubists have grown into a school their works occupy several rooms and are to be seen in several exhibitions ’ , and another : ‘ the Cubists are to be found in force ’ .
22 What started out as a loyal band of Kylie watchers has now grown into a legion of Wannabes : teenage girls who spend all their waking hours trying to dress , talk and sing like Kylie .
23 Clare had been born in 1919 , and by the time she was twelve she had grown into a tomboy , excited by all sports — not only hockey , but sometimes she even helped out if we were short of a player for an improvised soccer game in the park .
24 Joe is , of course , best remembered as the first professional to overcome what had grown into a hoodoo .
25 Tony Bland — who has grown into a man in his hospital bed — might have the answer to their dilemma but there 's nobody to hear it where he is … stuck between Heaven and earth .
26 Whoever was responsible for it , Britain had grown into a credit society and looked like staying that way .
27 Today , the result of our labours was several long rows of planted saplings which , in ten years ' time , will have grown into a grove of pussy willows doing useful service as a screen for walkers .
28 But I discerned that she was a pretty child , one who would have grown into a beauty had she been allowed the opportunity to age .
29 Some of these appear to have been applied as important criteria from the beginning , while others have grown into a body of case law " .
30 In origin these were scraps of waste wood for fuel , and by the mid seventeenth century they had grown into a form of wage supplementation .
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