Example sentences of "looked at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Right , so I I actually do n't want it , do n't want you to do that again , we 've looked at each story to see what it 's about , so it 's actually better to take the idea and erm , get get the stories and to write the idea .
2 They had looked at each other , disconcerted at this apparent lack of liaison , but McLeish had been reassuring : very natural that they had n't compared notes , extremely useful that he now knew how long the car had been there .
3 The way she looked at them was odd , because there was no story here as yet , no drama whose next development or twist of plot or big scene we were all awaiting ; remember , they had not yet met or even looked at each other .
4 It had been gentle , a sweet , surprised discovering , and they had looked at each other shyly afterwards , unable to speak .
5 The girls had looked at each other curiously and Antonia had trailed obediently after the older woman .
6 The boys around him had looked at each other .
7 I know you have done a C C Q on yourself and we 've looked at each page in detail but I think until you actually do it yourself and maybe write little prompts to let you know what 's on the next page so you can signpost it most effectively to move round the C C Q as opposed to you dri er as opposed to it driving you , you can drive it , but that should be done in the fullness of time but I do recommend you do it before you actually do your first full appointment cos it might pay you .
8 Never in the entire two years she 'd known him had he inspired in her such a hopeless rage of jealousy as she 'd experienced when Guido had looked at that girl .
9 we have n't looked at that , we have n't looked at that video yet have you ?
10 I mean probably , I have n't looked at that function , but it 's probably from minus infinity , up to as close as you like to minus three .
11 I 've never really looked at that side of it , you know , so I do n't really know .
12 I can stand in front of the screen , I can look at the simulations , I can stop them whenever I want to stop them and look at them , it gives me ideas about how the buildings might have looked at that time and it gives me a whole range of variations as to as to what can be done in terms of their reconstructions .
13 She had gone in and looked at that picture and come running down the stairs crying , with her hands up to her face and the tears pouring .
14 I think Stan if he 'd looked at that situation again would probably have wanted to go at the first defender an and gone and gone up the left side .
15 They 're happy , it does n't matter There 's some women and , you know , there 's quite a few , I mean , there 's never ever looked at another man , do you know what I mean , and not being funny ,
16 Sometimes the similarity is hinted at in the question itself ; for example , you may have looked at another passage involving characterisation and this will guide you in looking at this one .
17 Looked at another way , The Possessed and the two remaining novels he had in him to write , A Raw Youth and The Brothers Karamazov , are all generation-gap stories , and for Dostoevsky the generation gap is only subordinately topical and tendentious and mixed up with Turgenev .
18 Once he was badly let down , and since then he 's never looked at another female . ’
19 In Wallshire Ltd v Aarons [ 1989 ] 1 EGLR 147 , it was argued that a surveyor conducting a rent review as an expert should have looked at more evidence of comparable lettings .
20 Letters like these are worthy of recording , especially when the writer from Camberley finished with a p.s. that concludes ‘ As a satisfied customer , needless to say I have not even looked at any other . ’
21 It was in fact the first time in his life that he had looked at any woman .
22 Pamela had nearly had a heart attack when she 'd looked at this year 's brochure and seen how much it would cost .
23 Recent studies which have looked at this issue report that people talk in terms of some blend of love and duty , affection and obligation ( Ungerson , 1987 ; Lewis and Meredith , 1988 ) .
24 Looked at this way , the question of how best to safeguard Venice 's heritage is in fact an ethical question .
25 Looked at this way , there is no such thing as a special kind of behaviour called ‘ political ’ ; there is only a political dimension to behaviour … ’
26 If you have ever actually looked at this document that they have produced for today 's meeting , it is not a strategy , it 's not a statement , it 's just a trotting out of the old stories that have been knocked back time and time again , but if they 're gon na bring it out , let's knock it back again .
27 Er I suppose erm er the , most of the people I 've seen in the last ten years have been people either approaching retirement , planning for retirement or actually at the point of retirement and er we 've obviously looked at this course over a number of years and we try to sort of distil it down to the basics of things that we think are important er and that we think will be useful to you .
28 For example , Brunsdon notes that ‘ Hollywood , as the world-dominant cinema , exports ideals of White femininity worldwide ’ , yet feminist critics have rarely looked at this aspect of the Hollywood dream-machine in their copious critiques of it .
29 Non-qualifying , unit linked , life assurance policy , providing permanent health insurance benefits Now , all the other policies we 've looked at this week were qualifying , were n't they .
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