Example sentences of "elected [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1912 she was elected as a Labour councillor in the London borough of Kensington , where she pressed for public provision of baby clinics , school meals , improved council housing , employment schemes , and prohibition of sweated labour .
2 We reckoned that Just William ( see right ) probably failed to get elected as a Thatcherite Tory candidate in the General Election , his campaign having been scuppered partly because of rumours to his large and highly unsuccessful estate agency , where he is subject to bouts of manic depression and alcohol abuse .
3 Although he ‘ sought to avoid public controversy ’ — a standard Victorian prefix to anyone who enthusiastically engaged in political warfare — he was elected as a Poor Law Guardian and a member of the Burial Board and the Public Library Committee .
4 Kaysone 's wife , Thongvinh Phomvihane , was removed from the central committee , but his son , Saysomphone Phomvihane , was elected as a new member .
5 Sir Godfrey Webster , the fifth baronet , was elected as a Tory member for the county in 1812 ; almost immediately he voted against the government whose friends had put him in and became increasingly radical in his demands for electoral reform and the abolition of political sinecures for the supporters of ministers .
6 FORMER Mr Universe Terry Phillips , 53 , has been elected as a Conservative councillor in Knowsley , Merseyside .
7 In November India 1990 was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 1991 .
8 But , although this undoubtedly reflected increased working-class pressure as full employment was achieved , or approached ( chapters 11 and 12 ) , such pressure drew a response from right-wing governments as well as from those of the left elected as a direct result of it .
9 Every councillor is elected for a fixed four year term of office .
10 The Kingdom of Norway is a constitutional monarchy in which the monarch exercises authority through a Council of State ( Cabinet ) , appointed by the monarch in accordance with the will of the 165-member parliament ( Storting ) , which is elected for a fixed four-year term .
11 The Field Chair is elected for a two-year period by the staff members of the field committee and is eligible for re-election .
12 Under the FSM 's electoral system the 14-member Congress was composed of 10 senators , each elected for a two-year term , and four at-large senators — one each elected for a four-year term from the four states , Chuuk ( formerly known as Truk ) , Kosrae , Pohnpei and Yap .
13 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) Assembly , comprising legislators from 16 member countries , elected Loïc Bouvard of France as president on Nov. 19 ; Bouvard , 63 , the first Frenchman to hold the post in 33 years , was elected for a two-year term to succeed Charles Rose , a member of the US Congress .
14 Under the provisions of the 1982 Constitution executive power is exercised by a President elected for a four-year term by a simple majority of votes .
15 The 1949 Constitution established Costa Rica as a democratic state with an executive President directly elected for a four-year term .
16 Legislative power is held by a unicameral Legislative Assembly similarly elected for a four-year term .
17 Legislative power is held by a 72-member unicameral National Congress , similarly elected for a four-year term ( with 60 members elected on a provincial basis every two years and 12 members elected for a four-year term on a national basis ) .
18 Legislative power is held by a 72-member unicameral National Congress , similarly elected for a four-year term ( with 60 members elected on a provincial basis every two years and 12 members elected for a four-year term on a national basis ) .
19 There is an executive President and a Congress consisting of a 114-member Senate and a 199-member House of Representatives , the President and Congress being directly elected for a four-year term .
20 Legislative authority is held by the bicameral Congress , comprising a 27-member Senate and a 130-member Chamber of Deputies , both elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage .
21 The 1980 Constitution , which was put into effect in March 1981 [ see pp. 30619-20 ; 30931 ] , provided for the re-establishment , effective 1989 , of the bi-cameral National Congress , consisting of a Senate of 38 elected and nine appointed members , all of whom were to serve an eight-year term , and a Chamber of Deputies whose 120 members were to be directly elected for a four-year term .
22 The Kingdom of Norway is a parliamentary monarchy ; executive power is vested formally in the king ( currently Olav V ) and effectively in the Prime Minister and the Council of State ( Cabinet ) ; legislative power is vested in the 165-member Parliament ( Storting ) elected for a four-year term .
23 Elected for a six-year term by universal suffrage ( or by a 301-member electoral college in case no candidate obtains an absolute majority ) , the President appoints a Cabinet under a Prime Minister , which must enjoy the confidence of the 200-member parliament ( Eduskunta ) , elected for a four-year term .
24 The unicameral 300-member Chamber of Deputies is elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage under a system of reinforced proportional representation .
25 The Kingdom of Thailand ( formerly Siam ) is a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral parliament consisting of a 261-member Senate appointed by the monarch , currently King Bhumipol Adulyadej , on the recommendation of the Prime Minister , and a 347-member House of Representatives elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage .
26 The 28-member Consell General de las Valls ( General Council of the Valleys ) , elected for a four-year term , has , since reforms introduced in 1981 , appointed an Executive Council , introducing for the first time a separation between the executive and legislative arms of government .
27 In the Kingdom of Denmark legislative authority is vested jointly in the monarch , currently Queen Margrethe II , and in a unicameral parliament ( Folketing ) , whose 179 members are elected for a four-year term .
28 Under its 1949 Basic Law ( Constitution ) , the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany ) is a " democratic and social federal state " whose organs are ( i ) the Federal Diet ( Bundestag ) , the lower house of parliament , comprising 497 members elected for a four-year term by a mixed system of proportional representation and direct voting , and 22 members elected by the West Berlin House of Representatives ; ( ii ) the Federal Council ( Bundesrat ) , the upper house of parliament , comprising 41 members of the governments of the Republic 's 10 Länder ( states ) and four representatives appointed by the West Berlin Senate ; ( iii ) the Federal President ( Bundespräsident — currently Richard von Weizsäcker ) elected for a five-year term by the Federal Assembly ( Bundesversammlung ) comprising the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of delegates nominated by the Länder parliaments ; and ( iv ) the federal government ( Bundesregierung ) consisting of the Federal Chancellor ( Bundeskanzler — currently Helmut Kohl ) elected by the Bundestag on the proposal of the Federal President and his or her ministers .
29 Under the 1924 Constitution the Republic has an executive President and a National Congress consisting of a 120-member Chamber of Deputies and a 20-member Senate , President and Congress being directly elected for a four-year term .
30 Executive power in internal affairs is vested in a Council of Ministers , responsible to the 21-seat Staten ( parliament ) , which is elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage , most recently in January 1989 , when the People 's Electoral Movement ( Movimento Electoral di Pueblo — MEP ) won 10 seats , and with the support of the Aruban Patriotic party ( Partido Patriótico Arubano — PPA ) and the National Democratic Action ( Acción Democrático Nacional — ADN ) formed a government [ see p. 37075 ] .
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