Example sentences of "stop at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think you I do n't think you will be able to stop at that figure , I think that the allocation should stop at that figure , but there will be windfalls and there will be other er recycling of land that will take place that is n't already allocated .
2 But the argument would not even stop at that point .
3 Most people need about three weeks of daily training to achieve a useful level of skill , but do n't stop at that point .
4 There are little tricks , for example , if it 's a time clause , when you think to yourself oh God it 's one of those lists , you sit down and calm yourself , take a Valium or whatever it is and just apply yourselves to that , right , what the next point is so the first thing I want you to do is stop at this time clause , when you realize it 's a time clause I want you to go trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot to the main verb , alright ?
5 It should be noted , however , that the symbolism does not stop at this point .
6 In general , however , we would stop at this point and accept as an explanation that he killed himself because he found his personal circumstances intolerable and sought to escape from them .
7 Special instructions were given to stationmasters that should the trains stop at any station no one was to be allowed to board them . "
8 ‘ You can stop at any point and be satisfied with the level you 've explored . ’
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