Example sentences of "carried [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When Harry asked if ‘ Mrs Molly Diamond ’ was at home , the youth slouched back along the passage , shouted ‘ Ma ’ once at the top of his voice , then carried on without change of pace towards a dismantled motorcycle Harry could see beyond the back door .
2 ‘ That 's very kind of you , ’ Dad muttered grudgingly , but Mr Vulcan carried on without listening .
3 The rains carried on for Music at Oxford 's other major event , the Radley Fireworks .
4 Joining Welch and Taylor was Lt Sanders who led a flight of four P–40s up through the clouds to attack six Japanese bombers , Sanders hit one aircraft while another of his men , Lt Sterling , closed on a two-seater , Sterling 's engine was hit and caught fire , but he carried on in pursuit , another Japanese closed in on his tail and the three flew on firing at each other , then Sanders joined in to attack the second Japanese , only Sanders survived this ordeal .
5 And they were unlucky to have hooker Malcolm Thomason carried off with concussion midway through the half .
6 This paper summarises a survey of housing and support services carried out for Shelter in 1989 ( see Morris , 1990 ) .
7 ( ’ Canny ’ is echoed in the findings of a Gallup poll carried out for Shell last autumn which revealed that 60 per cent of Scottish motorists said they would buy a diesel car , compared to the national average of 49 per cent ) .
8 The company believes that 40 per cent of company cars will be diesel within the next few years , following Gallup research carried out for Shell Oil U.K.
9 Surveys carried out for market research purposes can not normally cover the whole of the relevant population , so a representative sample of it has to be taken .
10 Surveys carried out for market research purposes can not ( usually ) realistically cover the whole of the relevant population , so a " sample " of it has to be taken .
11 This is likely to be an effect of the classroom observation work carried out with GIST teachers ( for a full account see Whyte , 1984 ) .
12 These duties were many and varied , but all of which he carried out with vigour .
13 A party may not adduce evidence arising out of an examination or assessment carried out without leave unless the court specifically permits this ( FPCR , r18(3) ; FPR , r4.18(3) ) .
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