Example sentences of "lying [adj] to the " in BNC.

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1 There are no genital slits but the genital plate has two branches : a long one lying adjacent to the arm and a slightly shorter one lying adjacent to that with only a small slit between them .
2 Instead , large rhomboids occupy two of the rectangles lying adjacent to the central square — in a manner reminiscent of other mosaics from Colchester ( pls. 11 and 12b ) .
3 One of the French Commandos had been wounded ; he was lying close to the ditch at the side of the road , obviously in pain , his face the characteristic colour of the soldier who has been hit .
4 Thereafter , the coastal scenery reminded me increasingly of lowland Scotland , fields and hedges lying close to the shore .
5 She buttoned the tight bars over her insteps , feeling the patent leather cool against her skin ; lying close to the cold water all day had chilled the shoes .
6 The returning sonar thus passes virtually unimpeded through the ‘ auditory window ’ , the delicate layer of tissue covering a thin lower mandible , travelling thence along the jaw until it reaches the auditory bulla , an auditory sense receptor lying close to the point of articulation of the lower jaw with the remainder of the skull .
7 Putney coined the term ‘ capacitative entry ’ to introduce the idea that the influx of external calcium seemed to be regulated by the calcium content of a portion of the ER lying close to the plasma membrane .
8 The castle stands on the site of an old Franciscan monastery amid soft brown hills lying close to the Slaney river on the borders of Carlow and Wexford .
9 Other similar neurons respond preferentially to horizontal rather than vertical bars , and there are many such ganglion cells to be found in the part of the retina in the rabbit called the visual streak , which normally receives the image of the region of the visual field lying close to the horizon .
10 In Wales the opencast industry has exploited shallow reserves lying close to the limestone outcrop with the result that working and restored sites are concentrated on a relatively narrow tract of land stretching from Montgomery to Kidwelly .
11 The Department of Preclinical Veterinary Sciences and parts of the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Veterinary Clinical Studies ( including the Small Animal Practice ) are based at Summerhall lying close to the University 's Arts and Social Sciences campus and to the Medical School , and about a mile from the Faculty of Science and Engineering campus at the King 's Buildings .
12 Very often , when I take a walk along the river in the close season and see a shoal of chub sliding in and out of the streamer weed , or merely lying near to the surface , ready to suck in a floating insect , I imagine I have a rod with me and I want to catch one of those chub .
13 More specifically , they are lying next to the Louvre gallery pyramid being snapped by Kevin Cummins .
14 A river ran underneath the road there , and the car was lying next to the bridge wall , below the road .
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