Example sentences of "grew [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It grew slowly in the West Country but rapidly in the South of England , the Midlands and in London .
2 The importance of ministers grew especially in the eighteenth century .
3 Since ferns grew best in the Wardian case , there was a fern craze in which every middle-class house displayed a collection of greenery .
4 IT GREW rapidly in the 1920s and 1930s , its most famous acquisitions being the Cannon Brewery company in Clerkenwell , EC1 in 1930 ( which itself had acquired Holt 's Marine brewery in Ratcliffe Road , E7 ) .
5 ‘ Hostility to the Forest system grew rapidly in the next twenty years . ’
6 The trade grew rapidly in the 18th century , when brassfounders , bucklemakers , button manufacturers , gunsmiths , toymakers and jewellers all moved in .
7 The monumental Portland Building rose in the early 1950s and teaching and residential accommodation space grew rapidly in the 1960s and 70s to keep pace with the growing demand for university places .
8 Trade union membership grew rapidly in the expanding public sector , especially among women .
9 The only flower that did grow in abundance was fireweed ( rosebay willowherb ) , which grew rapidly in the years after the war to cover the bomb sites with its purple flowers and to fill the air with its cottony wisps of seeds . )
10 For example , the public sector services ( the bottom three categories in Table 3. 1 ) , grew rapidly in the 1960s and early 1970s and accounted for over half the total increase in service jobs in this period .
11 In a recent review of rural leisure and recreation research Owens ( 1984 ) has commented on not only how participation in rural leisure and recreation grew rapidly in the 1950s and 1960s , but how it was also accompanied by a surge of interest in applied research which has since spawned an enormous literature .
12 The numbers of students at the colleges of education grew rapidly in the late 1960s , reaching a total of 114,000 by 1972 .
13 Consortium banks grew rapidly in the 1960s as a means of giving the owning institutions access to London 's money markets .
14 As it was the campaign for Communist affiliation continued smoothly and support for " Unity " grew rapidly in the Labour League of Youth and in local Labour Parties .
15 The business grew rapidly in the early 90s , ’ said Rob .
16 I grew up in a house where the smells of preparation and cooking began , below stairs , not long after I rose .
17 Irish Catholics in Glasgow grew up in a similarly hostile environment .
18 Amaldi grew up in a small town in Lombardy , and took his doctorate in physics from Rome at the remarkably early age of 21 .
19 Again like Donald White , young Arsenio grew up in a houseful of women , living with his mother and grandmother .
20 Kinnock , born in 1942 , grew up in a South Wales scarred by memories of the Depression but recovering from its reality .
21 Kinnock grew up in a society in which it was natural to be Labour and which Labour controlled .
22 I know , I grew up in a village . ’
23 They contributed because on the one hand , they were asked and understood that what they had to say was important , and also because too many of them grew up in a world without such books .
24 We grew up in a world of chainstore high fashion , middle-of-the-road revolution , cover-version original pop music .
25 One of my own patients grew up in a loving family where it was assumed that he would eventually study law — just like his grandfather , his father and his uncle .
26 Men and women who are now in their forties and fifties grew up in a society that had been first shocked , then revolutionized by the ‘ revelations ’ of American sex researcher Alfred Kinsey .
27 Born in Middlesex of an Irish doctor , she grew up in a pleasant and comfortable home in Ireland and was 5 years old when she noticed that her hearing was failing , and by the age of 17 , she was almost totally deaf .
28 I grew up in a big way over there . ’
29 We grew up in a heterosexual culture which banishes positive images of homosexuality .
30 She had been a battered baby , grew up in a succession of foster homes , and then married a man who regularly beat her up .
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