Example sentences of "setting out [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 That a topic of discourse is such that on different occasions it can be referred to as the same is an analytic proposition setting out part of what " topic of discourse " means .
2 Skilbeck , in commenting upon the progress of the national frameworks , suggests that in addition to setting out areas of knowledge , understanding and human activity firmly and clearly , the various kinds of learning experiences and learning situations also need defining .
3 A junior with a big interest in meeting people [ according to his Appraisal ] was given the task of setting out packs of account opening cards , Special Savings forms and passbooks and a couple of credit card application forms for good measure .
4 Placing increasing emphasis on SADCC 's original purpose of promoting regional economic development , members issued a statement setting out goals of integration for the 1990s , and adding that " we look forward to welcoming a democratic South Africa into SADCC " .
5 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
6 The National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has published a document setting out ways of protecting groundwater , the source of around a third of Britain 's drinking water .
7 Their Code of Conduct , drafted in consultation with the Office of Fair Trading , supplemented the legislation by setting out guidelines of ‘ good business conduct ’ .
8 The following are fairly typical : Diaries told of assaults on children ( in which the court heard that ‘ an unemployed kitchen porter from Leamington kept diaries setting out details of indecent assaults he committed on young children ’ ) or Jail for man who lured boys to factory .
9 Background material for the Development Zone release outlined earlier might include the full text of the minister 's speech , the government leaflet setting out details of the Development Zone scheme , a complete list the benefits to be gained by businesses from setting in Tadchester , and a list of addresses of relevant officials within the local council , the New Towns Commission and Tadchester Industrial Development Centre 0 might be able to help industrialists to take the decision to move .
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