Example sentences of "consequences for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These changes in assessment procedures had evident consequences for the teaching methods adopted .
2 Is it possible to forget the unhappy consequences for the Alliance of the Liberal discord male manifest at the Eastbourne Conference of 1986 ?
3 This timespan has significant consequences for the construction of genealogies ; it also resulted in an emphasis on genealogically restricted history .
4 ‘ The continuation of the conflict would mean a spread of war throughout Bosnia and would have unforeseeable consequences for the army you command , ’ he said .
5 Such changes in social and political thought clearly have important consequences for the character and goals of political action in the late twentieth century , and their effects are reinforced by the emergence of new problems and new movements — concerned with such issues as the environment and the use of natural resources , and the subordination of women — which arguably have little connection with class politics ; as well as by the renewed vigour of ethnic and national consciousness , expressed in independence movements of various kinds .
6 As we shall see , this fact has consequences for the discussion of gender more generally .
7 This has important consequences for the discussion of identical particles .
8 In the first chapter I argued that the fact that the Scots settlers and the Irish natives were respectively Calvinists and Roman Catholics had profound consequences for the development of social conflict .
9 Those very features of the written word which encourage awareness of language may also encourage awareness of one 's own thinking and be relevant to the development of intellectual self-control , with incalculable consequences for the development of kinds of thinking which are characteristic of logic , mathematics and the sciences .
10 Even if Behaviouralism in truth attacked Realism for its method rather than its assumptions , the attack did nevertheless have serious consequences for the development of the subject , making its practitioners at least much more conscious of the importance of methodological issues ; and this has been reflected in continuing debates about methodology since the mid-1950s .
11 This adoption of the insurance principle had important consequences for the development of social policy .
12 The project starts from the basic hypothesis that modernisation of agricultural and industrial regions was extremely uneven during the period of time here considered , and that this uneven development may have had important consequences for the development of the internal market for both agricultural and industrial products , even to some degree determining the structure and efficiency of production .
13 The consequences for the country , especially in the many cases where the recipient government is not able to sort out the resultant confusion , can at worst be disastrous .
14 This threat held serious consequences for the government of Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa , as support from the Takeshita faction had been an essential ingredient in his election to the leadership of the party , and was generally seen as essential to his continued survival in the post .
15 By and large , male mood-swings and emotional febrility in middle age are probably ( and I write , of course , as a male ! ) not as marked as those among women , but they can come about nevertheless , sometimes with far-reaching consequences for the man and his marital relationship .
16 Last year 's assembly remitted to us the task of working out the consequences for the service known as confirmation if children are admitted to the sacrament of the lord 's supper .
17 A gene-dosage effect of this kind has important consequences for the treatment of people carrying germ-line mutations in the p53 gene , such as those affected by the Li-Fraumeni syndrome .
18 In addition , a failure to pay a demand for taxes that was implicitly supported by the coercive powers of the state might result in unpleasant social and economic consequences for the taxpayer who did not pay .
19 What is not rubbish is that an attempt to operate modern cars on low octane fuel for any extended period of time is likely to have very severe consequences for the engine .
20 The consequences for the animal are ultimately identical , but for the humans their actions are couched in a class-ridden dressing of either romanticism or oafish brutality .
21 She argues that this perception of discontinuity and dominance has consequences for the way experience finds expression in the work of male philosophers .
22 Thus , a man 's not treating a woman as autonomous in love-making is likely to have consequences for the way he treats her elsewhere .
23 Before I come to discuss the philosophical problems that are raised by this sort of account of self and autonomy , I want to look at what I have called its implicit politics ; and what I mean by this primarily is its possible consequences for the way in which women might think about their relationships to each other , and the way in which they might think about themselves .
24 To do so would have quite fundamental consequences for the way in which we use language .
25 These distinctions have major consequences for the way in which public railway enterprises are controlled , and the way in which their objectives are negotiated .
26 The ‘ counter-power ’ of the state enterprise in relation to the controlling authorities has major consequences for the way in which control is exerted .
27 A second category of policies with only indirect consequences for the minister 's own department are those whose enactment and implementation depend upon another agency .
28 If they fail , the rapidly growing populations in the favelas of the great urban centres will become even more desperate in their quest for survival , with incalculable consequences for the stability and future of the country .
29 And this had consequences for the press :
30 Age Concern said : ‘ If local authorities ’ precious stock of properties suitable for elderly people begins to be sold off , the consequences for the majority of elderly tenants in ordinary housing could be very serious indeed . ’
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