Example sentences of "caught out in [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the yacht would be a pounding hell if caught out in a rough sea .
2 It would be dreadful to be caught out in a lie ; dreadful at any time , but worse now , when he was being so friendly .
3 Debates followed in parliament with the Unionists in full cry , for the Liberals seemed to have been caught out in a case of open corruption .
4 The intrusiveness of attitudes like these is registered in Anne Bronte 's Agnes Grey ( 1847 ) , when the poor widow , Nancy Brown , feels badly caught out in a moment of negligence :
5 He blustered and turned scarlet as if caught out in a crime , and tried to bluff it out , but I knew him too well .
6 He turned on her a rueful expression — rueful but placating , like a boy caught out in a misdemeanour .
7 He felt like a child caught out in a lie .
8 Do n't want to be caught out in the open when Jerry starts up .
9 If caught out in the open , the echidna simply digs rapidly downwards until , again , nothing is visible but its spiky upper surface .
10 It 's inevitable that you 'll get caught out in the rain at some time .
11 For batsmen caught out in the deep ,
12 He was also cursing his luck at being caught out in the open , when three figures stepped forward into the moonlight and stopped facing him across the intervening space .
13 His opposite number , Graham Marshall , was caught out in the lineout for use of outside arm by referee Jim Fleming — who dashed off post-match to prepare to officiate at the England v Wales women 's international yesterday — but he lasted the pace more comfortably than another of Selkirk 's national league comeback men , Rodney Pow , who can be expected to make more individual thrusts in the weeks to come .
14 Caught out in the open , the German guns had a heavy toll exacted by the long-range French 155s , now arriving in ever-increasing quantities .
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