Example sentences of "contains a important [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The 1907 Hague Convention IV also contains an important provision in the preamble to the main convention , in what has come to be known as the Martens clause .
2 However , this contains an important message for lawyers sympathetic to the peace movement , since if the symbolic appeal of law for the peace movement is founded in the view that law embodies certain political and human ideals which may be interpreted as being in sympathy with the aims of the peace movement , then it is clear that the attraction is to law as an ideal rather than to lawyers and legal process .
3 It contains an important law on settlement , which is likely to predate the promulgation of the code itself , although by how much is unclear .
4 The MMPA generally prohibits the killing of marine mammals in US waters , but contains an important exception — the Secretary of Commerce can authorise the accidental drowning of marine mammals in commercial fishing operations .
5 Fornax is always very low from European latitudes ; it contains an important cluster of galaxies , but all its members are below binocular range .
6 Pylyshyn ( 1984 ) contains an important account of the relationship between cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence , and Pylyshyn ( 1973 ) contains an interesting discussion of the differences between cognitive science and phenomenology .
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