Example sentences of "prepared [pron] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing had prepared me for the overwhelming architectural beauty of Salamanca , and in particular for the grandeur of the university , the oldest in Spain and one of the oldest in Europe , with its noble façade in plateresque style .
2 Back in London after that trip she said : ‘ Nothing could have prepared me for the agony of seeing countless dying children .
3 Nothing in my upbringing had prepared me for the weather , much less the absurd notion of hitchhiking .
4 It has n't prepared me for the outside world ; all it 's done is given me an awareness of myself .
5 Nothing in the three villagers ' long but sheltered past could have prepared them for the horrendous sight that met their eyes .
6 Others who were less impressed by what they knew about Law were surprised by what they discovered of his actual abilities , perhaps because his anonymity had prepared them for the worst .
7 Her duties as parents had been completed , she had prepared them for the future , they could now stand on their own feet , so she let them go .
8 His sad tones prepared them for the news as he announced that German troops had not withdrawn from Poland and consequently Britain was now at war with Germany .
9 He had prepared himself for the Stoics match in typical fashion the night before .
10 Whistling ‘ I 'm in the Mood for Love ’ , and rejecting the buzz of his telephone , he had prepared himself for the chase .
11 All shale and weeds and winds that picked up speed as they swooped in off the ocean , this strip of barren land prepared you for the final desolation of the Crumbles .
12 ‘ You 've had everything and everyone your way from much too young , and it has n't prepared you for the big , wide world .
13 Nothing on the exterior , however , prepared one for the stunning exhibition of color , texture , and mural art in the interior , features that constituted a major step in an architectural revolution that was most fully developed in the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago ( 1933–74 ) .
14 Nothing Isa Blagden had said had prepared her for the fright .
15 Nothing Ruth had ever imagined prepared her for the magnificence of that day 's scene on the Mersey , though she saw most of it through a mist of tears .
16 It had prepared her for the coming meeting when she would be alone at last with the youth who was King of England ; the youth she loved …
17 Nothing in her 11 years as a member of the world 's most famous family had prepared her for the contents of the letter inside .
18 But nothing had prepared her for the angry letter she received from the Duke of Edinburgh , says Morton .
19 But nothing could have prepared her for the intimacy of the pictures .
20 But nothing had prepared her for the monumental size and sheer glamour of the building .
21 But coming from a theatrical background has prepared her for the highs and lows of an actor 's life .
22 The room , the cottage , Ryan , her lack of confidence , all faded ; there was only now , this one moment in time , and nothing in her life had ever prepared her for the feelings she experienced .
23 Just for a moment he met her eyes , his own very dark and filled with something that made her heart start to beat rapidly , high in her throat , yet nothing could have prepared her for the shock of what he said .
24 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
25 His background hardly prepared him for a life of elegant luxury as a film star or obedience to the star system .
26 Life had not prepared him for the task , and it soon became clear that he lacked the natural shrewdness and strength of character that a Gdansk plumber was to show the Polish bosses three years later .
27 Nothing in his IBM Corp background could have prepared him for the kind of speech he gave — in fact had to give , if Taligent is to be seen as the answer to the world 's ills .
28 Nothing however could have prepared him for the drama to come .
29 They had prepared themselves for an unpleasant scene in which the wretched boy , stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake , would have to surrender and beg for mercy and then they would have watched the triumphant Trunchbull forcing more and still more cake into the mouth of the gasping boy .
30 However , nothing had prepared us for the abundance and variety of scallops , mussels , every species in the shrimp to lobster continuum as well as some very funny-looking goose-neck barnacles .
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