Example sentences of "attempts [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The company 's attempts to mislead the public simply highlight how it profits by wrecking one of the Earth 's greatest natural treasures . "
2 The design of the Panopticon represents Bentham 's contribution to contemporary attempts to assure the quality of time used .
3 Implicit is the idea that A has some form of control over B , or at least a strong bargaining position that enables A to score a ‘ victory ’ over B. Companies sometimes have power of this kind over suppliers , as where the company is one of only a limited number of buyers of a supplier 's goods or services , and even to an extent over governments , manifested , for example , in negotiations over subsidies or in successful attempts to dilute the content of regulation .
4 When a man attempts to combat the principle of utility , it is with reasons drawn , without his being aware of it , from that very principle itself .
5 One of the first attempts to treat the effluent involved building a small lagoon , the idea for which Dai discovered in a book .
6 Surprisingly , though , there have been few attempts to acknowledge the fluidity of Renaissance plays .
7 The event is part of the Rugby Football Union 's attempts to promote the game .
8 Mr Yeltsin stressed , however , that he would fight any attempts to cancel the emergency powers granted to him by the last Congress in October .
9 Man 's attempts to tame the flood have not always progressed smoothly .
10 Far from it — it is an argument for policies extending beyond the school to the areas of work and income , if government attempts to equalise the outcome of education are to stand any serious chance of succeeding .
11 Away from these pockets of excitement , business was relatively quiet and dealers found themselves frustrated in attempts to drive the FT-SE 100 index convincingly beyond the 2600 level .
12 The question of economic benefits of science points to a concern with the character of the economy at the time and to the importance of considering the demise of the attempts to implement a science curriculum ‘ as practice ’ and the success of the science curriculum ‘ as fact ’ in the context of changes in Victorian capitalism . [ … ]
13 Speaking before the ASEAN standing committee in September 1984 , the Malaysian Foreign Minister declared that it would be a mistake to wait for a solution to the Kampuchean problem before making attempts to implement the idea of the zone of peace , freedom and neutrality .
14 Finally , s 5 regulates the attempts to evade the UCTA by use of the manufacturer 's so-called " guarantee " .
15 As the marble attempts to surmount the obstacle it looses speed .
16 This time Wayans , a pleasing enough individual with a huge , flashing smile , attempts to carry a movie on his own .
17 The instances are the practice and the practice is the rule ; a rule is ‘ internally related ’ to its instances , and the sceptic 's attempts to plant a gap between them simply betray a misconception of what it is to follow a rule .
18 The attempts to rationalize the administration , to centralize power , collided directly with local liberties and the particularist and traditional privileges of the old supporters of the regime ( for example , the Tatar nobility ) .
19 This complex mixture , dominated by a powerful medical profession firmly established during the nineteenth century , posed problems for subsequent attempts to rationalize the health services , and therefore influenced the shape the national health service eventually achieved .
20 By the mid-1960s MITI recognized the importance of the industry by increasing loans and subsidies and embarking on a series of attempts to rationalize the industry and/or organize cooperative ventures .
21 Their natural rebelliousness achieved its heights now , not least in their violation of the traditional rules , their attempts to undermine the institution by radical policies , their attempts to breach the system .
22 A Unani physician attempts to diagnose the imbalance and restore each individual to his proper equilibrium .
23 Later , however , she resisted the creditor 's attempts to enforce the security on the ground , first , that the document was void as being an unregistered bill of sale and , secondly , that she had been procured to sign by her husband 's undue influence and had had no independent advice .
24 It is arguable , too , that he was over-anxious to dismiss people 's attempts to preserve the family as ‘ ideology ’ , one distracting attention from the class basis of fascism .
25 To the church , local charities and various far-sighted attempts to preserve the beauty of England 's scenery Newbolt gave much of his time .
26 But the moment the military dictatorship resorted to armed aggression against British subjects the radical student protester , who cared for nothing but his ideals and for justice , freedom and equality , unhesitatingly sided with the invaders and began to protest , not against them , but against his own government 's attempts to restore the freedom , democratic rights and civil liberty of those who had lost them !
27 Intervention arises from attempts to restore the authority of the state and secure the compliance of other agencies and interests .
28 Yet no one walked out of the big top , there were no fundamentalist pickets outside , no attempts to disrupt the service .
29 The positive reactions are attempts to re-create the trauma , to re-experience it , or to set up a relationship analogous to an earlier one .
30 However , fourteenth-century people were sometimes buried with a purchased Indulgence , and there is at the Ashmolean Museum , Oxford , a small latten figure , not much more than four inches high , of a man in a winding-sheet which might have been enclosed within the folds of the shroud , in the same way that stamped leaden crosses were used up to the seventeenth century , to foil Satan 's attempts to claim the deceased 's soul as his own ; the date of manufacture of the Ashmolean item is indeterminate , but it seems doubtful that such an item would have been produced much after c.1550 .
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