Example sentences of "attempts [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Somehow though , The Fall of Yugoslavia comes across as a series of fragments that do n't quite make a whole , and any attempts to go beyond the yawn-capacity of school history books are sadly flawed .
2 Doleys and Arnold ( 1975 ) treated an 8-year-old mentally handicapped boy by encouraging him to copy another child and by reinforcing attempts to sit on the lavatory for longer periods .
3 From Woolworths , we will hear that the Dixons management have brought their troubles on themselves , that their attempts to cope with the downturn have been lamentable and that only a new team — with a more analytical approach than the pile-it-high philosophy which did Dixons so proud when times were good — can engineer the necessary closure of small high street outlets in favour of a move to larger ones on the edge of town .
4 His focus is on teachers ' understandings of , and attempts to cope with the situations they experience in schools , and the various pressures and constraints that shape the teaching environment and over which teachers have little control .
5 ‘ Climatic geomorphology attempts to cope with the excessive complexity of natural parameters by holding variables such as structure , lithology and man constant .
6 A family attempts to cope with the eruption into their lives of an unruly aunt .
7 And the involuntary malice within the desperate attempts to remain on the safe side of the frontier of madness .
8 During the 1920s , however , the clash between these two legacies of the Great War for socialists was to become a central issue in their attempts to grapple with the problem of unemployment .
9 Frenzied attempts to work off the festive flab can lead to muscle and tendon injuries as people try to do too much too quickly .
10 To quote Gray and Jenkins ( 1985 , p. 165 ) again : ‘ The moves beyond Rayner to the FMI represent attempts to work within the political and organisation system , rather than against it and to couch debate in terms of means rather than ends ’ .
11 I was more of an outsider than ever , but something in me must still have wanted to belong to the family because I was still making deliberate attempts to communicate with the other members .
12 The harbour was crammed with the great prahus which we had come so far for , but our attempts to communicate with the captains and crewmen were discouraging .
13 In such circumstances LIFESPAN RDBI will make a number of attempts to write to the error log .
14 The emphasis that Calvinists placed upon the majesty of God led them to condemn as blasphemous any attempts to tinker with the supernatural , and thus their reaction to calamities was to accept them as part of God 's inscrutable purpose — the working out of a divine providence which governed all human affairs .
15 By the late 1970s , therefore , the entire scene was set for radical reform : the main ingredients were technological backwardness , bureaucratic stagnation and the failure of all partial attempts to tinker with the system .
16 Their attempts to rule in the king 's name were a failure and by the end of September , if not earlier , Edward had reasserted his freedom of action .
17 Their attempts to rule in the king 's name were a failure and by the end of September , if not earlier , Edward had reasserted his freedom of action .
18 In an epistemological parable , ‘ The Man who looked into the Future ’ , Allen Wheelis describes a man 's attempts to escape from the fluidity of the present and imprint value on his life .
19 As an illustration of what appears to be the inevitable result of a strongly objectivist analysis which presupposes its equal relevance for all commodity forms , there follows a brief summary of the trajectory taken by one of the more sustained attempts to focus on the commodity as the central object of research , by the French social theorist Baudrillard .
20 The final chapter , called ‘ Power in Focus ’ , attempts to look at the way the caring professions are continuing to develop .
21 If we think of linguistic analysis as usually being linked to the sentence as the maximum unit of grammar , then the study of discourse attempts to look at the larger contexts in which sentences occur .
22 The regime became increasingly draconian in its attempts to deal with the problems it was confronting ; the society , in turn , began to establish public associations of all kinds , most notably the workers ' defence committee ( KSS-KOR ) , which were independent of party and state control .
23 This paper will examine these as an indicator of some of the issues that may predominate in union attempts to deal with the complex problems of technological change at work .
24 Further attempts to put on the agenda votes on creating a directly elected presidency and scheduling elections were defeated on April 1 and 2 , the Congress voting to delay discussion of the issues until its next regular session .
25 The crested ibis faces certain extinction in Japan after attempts to breed from the sole remaining pair have failed .
26 The leader , with four-under par was Jim Thorpe , a comparatively unknown black professional , who had made several unsuccessful attempts to qualify for the Championship and was making his first appearance .
27 At this point in the poem , Leapor , like Swift , attempts to account for the eventual unhappiness of the marriage .
28 The project attempts to account for the variety of economic strategies fishermen have adopted through an examination of their behaviour as entrepreneurs , employers and employees .
29 Alluding to recent Soviet attempts to remove from the purview of the treaty three motorized divisions due for disbandment , by reclassifying them as naval shore defence units , he declared that difficulties were being encountered which " go to the heart of credibility and trust " .
30 Russians made repeated attempts to break through the encircling enemy — only and always to be driven back by the murderous fire of Francois 's 1st Corps , which barred the line of retreat along the route by which they had earlier advanced .
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