Example sentences of "attempts [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In this study for the Employment Department , Peck and Stone provide some very interesting evidence on employers ' attempts to embrace the new industrial relations .
2 persistent Soviet attempts to penetrate the Latin American market with its machinery and equipment indicate a distinct reluctance to acquiesce in the continuance of the existing trading imbalance .
3 The port principally connected with this was Bristol , and it may have been the existence of surplus tonnage that led its seamen to turn their attention to new ventures in the fifteenth century , including both attempts to penetrate the Mediterranean trade and the later voyages into the Atlantic .
4 Some Poor Law Guardians made attempts to enforce the new legal obligations which the 1834 Poor Law imposed on children to support their parents with money .
5 However , the split-brain findings may not apply to normal subjects , and attempts to compare the relative effects of damage to left and right sides of the brain are notoriously fraught with problems .
6 Band attempts to hit the high notes
7 Attempts to restore the immune system are more likely to succeed if anti-viral therapy is used at the same time .
8 There have been attempts to estimate the economic cost of corporate crimes and render these in a meaningful fashion ( Bequai 1978 : 1 ; Clinard 1978 : 83–102 ; Conklin 1977 : 2–8 ; Geis 1975 : 95–7 ; Hills 1971 : 167–68 ; McCaghy 1976 : 205 ; President 's Task Force Report 1967 : 47–51 ; Stotland 1977:180–82 ) .
9 Hence Lapasset 's risible attempts to silence the English choirs .
10 Declining fish numbers are threatening attempts to reintroduce the bald eagle , which used to breed in large numbers in the area until the 1950s .
11 Inevitably oversimplifying , I would summarize what I have tried to say by suggesting that the schooling of science has produced three kinds of people , whose interrelations have up till now led to opposition to any attempts to realize the emancipatory potential Carlile saw .
12 There have been many , sometimes conflicting , attempts to classify the main functions of language ( macro-functions ) .
13 This research attempts to provide the first detailed study of the formation of the modern medical profession within the context of local communities .
14 Attempts to provide the necessary cohesion are made , for example , by the organisers of the international biennial conferences on continuum models of discrete systems .
15 The negotiation of the contractual terms of such relationships is all too often regarded as a contest in which the supplier attempts to exclude the maximum possible liability to the customer , and the customer to impose the maximum possible liability on the supplier ; the only rules are those imposed by the Unfair Contract Terms Act , and the contest is finally decided by the relative bargaining power of the two parties .
16 We feel it is important that clinicians using ivalon are aware of this reaction , which might be a frequent occurrence especially when the operator attempts to plug the entire length of the biopsy tract in a patient with a coagulopathy .
17 Its attempts to strangle the revolutionary movement at birth during May 1968 were consistent with the approach taken over the previous 30 years , including the immediate postwar period ( part I ) .
18 It is reasonable to associate a number of distinctive policies with the presence of Mrs Thatcher — the economic strategy , attempts to contain the public sector , toleration of high unemployment , reduction in the powers of trade unions , privatization , the vigorous prosecution of the war in the Falklands , the community charge , education reforms , change in the civil service , and Britain 's refusal to join the EMS .
19 Throughout the 1970s all of these elements were to feature in the Council 's attempts to find the appropriate balances under its Charter , and to handle the increasingly complex range of subjects and institutions .
20 The manager attempts to catch the subordinate making a mistake and this ‘ justifies ’ a discount .
21 In 1762 he was involved in the clash between moderate and evangelical factions over appointments of clergy to Edinburgh charges , and his well-meaning attempts to secure the best qualified candidates and to appease all sides provoked further animosity over civil and judicial promotions .
22 This chapter accordingly deals with the moral philosophy of punishment and attempts to relate the philosophical issues to the reality of penal systems such as that of England and Wales today .
23 Will he promise to resist all attempts to increase the maximum permitted weights of heavy lorries ?
24 Primary prevention refers to attempts to eliminate the noxious or infectious agent at its source , either through changes to its habitat or immunization which makes the body invulnerable to it .
25 It is sad to see that conservation bodies seem to have halted their attempts to purchase the key Cairngorms estate of Mar Lodge .
26 Thus the Social Charter addressed both the conditions necessary for the completion of the SEM , and attempts to create the social guarantees that the Commission regards as essential to maintain broad political support for these developments , i.e. " social cohesion " .
27 Its significance is symbolic ; it represents a tangible token of the consensual nature governing the pupil 's attendance and in so doing attempts to counter the punitive and coercive meaning which accompanies referral .
28 This atmosphere will ultimately emerge as something of immense value when ‘ the kindly light of reason ’ finally sweeps away all the incredible and stifling nonsense , which has been introduced from time to time in futile attempts to counter the inexorable demand that reason and common sense shall ultimately triumph , and replace superstition and blind senseless faith .
29 While there is a good deal of division of opinion both about these attempts to characterise the present situation and about what further conclusions theology should draw from it , there lies here a nexus of issues to which theologians have had to turn their attention , especially since the Second World War .
30 The scandal and accompanying crash came as a severe blow to Finance Minister Singh 's attempts to open the Indian economy to foreign investors , and in addition hurt many smaller , first-time investors attracted by the soaring bull market of the previous six months , of which Mehta was described by the Financial Times of May 18 as the " driving force " .
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