Example sentences of "intended [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 According to Willie van Peer 's introductory statement , the book is intended to promote a reconciliation between literary and linguistic approaches to the study of literature , and , more specifically , to provide a much-needed contribution in three fundamental directions : first , the development of a theory of textuality which accounts both for the way in which all texts function in society and for the differences between literary and non-literary texts ; secondly , the construction of a model of literary communication that gives an adequate account of the complexities involved in the production and reception of literary texts ; and thirdly , the development of more explicit and comprehensive accounts of the ways in which formal and contextual factors interact in the process of deriving interpretations from texts .
2 The Department was intended to promote the study of industrial design for textiles , pottery , etc. , and Cole campaigned against over-elaborate and inappropriate representational decoration on such things .
3 They are intended to promote the primacy of schools at the expense of teacher education institutions .
4 She was closely followed by a club instructor who had intended to sound the crash alarm using the button in the control room .
5 Although this was done in an ad hoc and somewhat piecemeal fashion , it was intended to mirror the direction taken by the workshop itself .
6 Still less is it intended to mirror the expectation of life of the deceased or his dependants .
7 Robbins insisted that the Committee had not intended to erect a barrier of that kind , and deplored Crosland 's establishment of ‘ a rigid line between them never again to be crossed ’ .
8 Some 35 people were arrested , reportedly part of a 300-strong group whose dress showed their " fundamentalist affiliations " and who had intended to disrupt the march .
9 For similar reasons it will be difficult to argue that action taken by the exchange in good faith in the interests of the exchange as a whole is intended to induce a breach of contract , merely because this is an incidental side-effect .
10 Intended to induce a feeling of nostalgia in the shopper ( and a subsequent loosening of their purse ) it only induces in me a feeling of nausea .
11 It consists of a massive foundation , 1.8 m ( 6 ft ) deep and 9.7 by 10.3 m ( 32 by 34 ft ) , enclosing an irregular space about 4.3 by 4.9 m ( 14 by 16 ft ) , and clearly intended to support a superstructure of some weight .
12 A loan of US$2,500 million from the Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) for the period 1990-1993 was intended to support the government 's October decision to lift controls on imports , ending the country 's traditional policy of protectionism .
13 The IMF agreement was intended to support the restructuring process which was being pursued with the application of the austerity measures , a wage freeze and currency reform announced in December 1989 [ see p. 37194 ] .
14 The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa , for example , is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life , in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight .
15 These direct contacts with the people and with the maquis were intended to replicate the effect of his arrival in the capital , to demonstrate by his presence that the state had been restored .
16 If it is intended to issue a photograph with the press release , e.g. of an exhibition , or the Chairman opening/previewing the exhibition ; this should be arranged through the Regional Information Office .
17 ( Please note that it is not intended to issue an agenda or further papers for the presentation . )
18 Roger Manvell 's The Film and the Public , published in 1955 , still held Brief Encounter in very high esteem , placing it in a chapter rather disingenuously called ‘ A miscellany of films ’ but which is clearly intended to signify a pantheon of cinematic greats .
19 Each carries the red rose of Lancaster in its claw and , beside its beak , the words ‘ por bem ’ , which are intended to signify the king 's blamelessness down through the ages .
20 That statement was not , in my view , ever intended to acknowledge the existence of any wider discretion than to exclude ( 1 ) admissible evidence which would probably have a prejudicial influence upon the minds of the jury that would be out of proportion to its true evidential value ; and ( 2 ) evidence tantamount to a self-incriminatory admission which was obtained from the defendant , after the offence had been committed , by means which would justify a judge in excluding an actual confession which had the like self-incriminating effect .
21 The unanimous decision was intended to signal the Council 's willingness to establish closer relations with those East European countries embarking on political reforms .
22 Underwood 's new book , Flying Wing ( Stanley Paul £1499 ) , was intended to signal the end of a glittering career that brought him 55 England caps and a record 35 tries .
23 This criterion is intended to signal the need for a healthy scepticism concerning the supposition , embodied in the HMI report The School Curriculum ( 1981 ) , that given equal access to educational resources , the strengths of each child , male or female , would be more fully realized .
24 The Poitevins claimed that they had been attacked while peace talks were in progress and that though they had naturally defended themselves they had certainly not intended to kill the Earl .
25 It was intended to include the need for a code of guidance to give practical help to both schools and the five area boards , he said .
26 The move was intended to bolster the strength of the deutschmark and to stem inflation ( running at an annualized rate of above 4 per cent , and in the Bundesbank 's view likely to become higher as a result of possible high wage settlements in the current round of pay talks and the government 's expansionary fiscal policy following unification ) .
27 It is offering its Audio Solution Board , which is a single board system with support for CD ROM drives , and is intended to enable a computer to be used as a sound studio .
28 And although the flow of mutual aid was markedly more often from the grandparent so long as the two generations were living separately , there were several cases in which visiting was explicitly intended to enable the grandchild to convey help .
29 Ms Duffield has given money to Dulwich 's education activities in the past ; the present gift is intended to enable the gallery to survive for a year while it coordinates its long-term fundraising activities .
30 We do not believe that its two main provisions have a necessary part in this year 's legislative programme unless they are intended to enable the privatisation of British Coal next year if the Tories are still in power .
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