Example sentences of "bringing [prep] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After all , almost everyone would visit the latrine at some time or other , bringing with them a load of information concerning the course of the war .
2 The next morning brought more early arrivals ; namely , the two ladies from Germany — who had travelled together despite what one would have imagined to have been the great contrast in their backgrounds — bringing with them a large team of ladies-in-waiting and footmen , as well as a great many trunks .
3 Our daughters cooked meals for us sometimes , and one dear friend suggested that she and her husband came to supper , bringing with them a meal for the four of us .
4 The men on the Committee , led by Francis Hawkins and E.G. Mandeville Roe , then resigned from the British Fascists and joined Mosley , bringing with them a copy of its membership list .
5 All competing teams should report to the Dashwood Arms , Kirtlington at 8am. , bringing with them an accurate set of scales .
6 Contracts could be with a specialist unit outside the area , which would be able to keep its facility going by attracting patients needing that care and bringing with them the cash to pay for their operation .
7 I would like to make an appointment to see you next week to discuss the 1992 accounts , bringing with me the rest of the papers .
8 She eagerly awaited the days when Sarah arrived from London bringing with her a crowd of her sophisticated friends .
9 The chief medico in charge of my case , a Dr Rosemary Kepepwe , entered my hospital room smiling , bringing with her a copy of my book .
10 At that moment Penelope appeared , bringing with her a breath of Chelsea — or was there , Sophia wondered , some newer and more fashionable district it might have been , such as Islington , Earls Court or Camden Town ?
11 She greeted us all in her various roles of mother , friend , daughter-in-law , mother-in-law and mistress of the house , bringing with her an air of reality and practicality .
12 One of the earliest defectors to the West was the Russian Igor Gouzenko who with considerable difficulty sought asylum with the Canadian authorities in September 1945 , bringing with him a vast amount of information about Russian espionage activities in North America .
13 The passengers returned well before eight o'clock in very good spirits , Mercer bringing with him a porter wheeling a case of highly superior bubbles for toasting the Unwins , success .
14 The system was introduced by the general manager who had arrived in the company only three or four years previously , bringing with him a strong philosophy of participation and involvement .
15 It says much for the sense of humour of the untidy , bespectacled architect that after the initial shock of the Princess 's request , he accepted the relatively minor commission of building a dolls ' house for the Queen with enthusiasm , and immediately visited the Princess to discuss the project , bringing with him a mutual friend , Sir Herbert Morgan , President of the Society of Industrial Artists .
16 The British Museum 's Oriental collections are among the finest in the world , and Hotung used to visit the museum regularly to train his eye , always bringing with him a torch as the lighting was so dim .
17 Reflecting Germany 's special relationship with Israel German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher visited the country on Jan. 24-25 , bringing with him a promise to provide DM250,000,000 in humanitarian aid .
18 The capricious blaze , devouring the easiest fuel , hissed between them and drove them apart , and Isambard came leaping through it , grinning like a demon and bringing with him a shower of sparks and the smoky , scorching odour of hell .
19 Joseph of Arimathea is supposed to have visited the area in his travels , bringing with him the Glastonbury Thorn and possibly the Holy Grail , the cup used at the Last Supper .
20 By accepting the post Kanemaru had immediately bolstered Miyazawa 's position by bringing with him the support of the Takeshita faction , the largest of the LDP 's internal groupings .
21 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
22 The guard of honour , the 21-gun salute , and the reception party overawed Khrushchev , bringing with him an inferiority complex towards the West which was often the cause of his bluster .
23 It was an image that spread and took root everywhere , bringing with it a tradition of atrocious performances — sloppy , flat and prettifying — that lasted throughout his lifetime , for the entire 19th century and for too much of the 20th .
24 On the other hand , the chance of a ‘ surprise ’ Conservative victory ( bringing with it a soaring pound and a quick cut to interest rates , which would in turn boost the economy ) gave rise to the thought that the index might go up by 300 points .
25 At the same time there is now a more direct intervention in the nature of a school 's educational work through the introduction of the National Curriculum , bringing with it a greater concern for monitoring .
26 Its more complex area — socially , economically and politically — bringing with it a new and more complex set of issues , calls for a more sophisticated policy response .
27 To add to her miserable state a bleak wind had got up , bringing with it a sweet tangy yeast smell that made her stomach roll and cry out .
28 It collapsed like a punctured airbag , except that what came forth was not air but rank , fetid water , vomiting out in a copious stream and bringing with it a stench that sent them both staggering back several paces .
29 He became aware that his heartbeat was growing stronger — until soon it was pounding in his chest , each pulse bringing with it a stab of increasing pain .
30 Another explanation , also of a psychological nature , was faith — in God , in Islam , in their leader — bringing with it a preparedness to confront death in battle .
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