Example sentences of "bringing [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To add some sort of spice , someone has had the bright idea of bringing on the JB Horns .
2 Harris , his coachman , was up on the driving box , while Lord John 's groom and valet were bringing on the saddle horses behind .
3 Not all positions were as healthy as others , for 4,700 feet ( 1,400m ) up Tata-Mailau mountain a Section post was established that needed a fresh 16 men every week , the cold — Tata-Mailau is 9,000 feet ( nearly 3,000 metres ) high — bringing on the malaria latent in almost every man of the Companies .
4 The same can probably be claimed for those who for reasons which had little to do with humanitarian concern — fearing Jewish revenge in the event of a lost war , or blaming Hitler for bringing on the war through attacking the Jews , attitudes which of course themselves betrayed the influence of Nazi ‘ Jewish conspiracy ’ propaganda — were voicing criticism of Nazi anti Jewish policy .
5 The Labour Party 's part in bringing down the Chamberlain Government in May 1940 was recognized by the central roles allotted to Labour Ministers in Churchill 's Coalition Government .
6 ‘ Even bringing down the charges to £4 means the council will be incurring a £40,000 loss .
7 Where a temple , folly or grotto has been long abandoned and the roof has collapsed , bringing down the ceiling with it , a careful archaeological sift must be made through the debris .
8 Ken plans to put a false roof over the sales area , bringing down the ceiling to create a more intimate atmosphere .
9 Using two Stanley Height Reducers made the task of ‘ bringing down the ceiling ’ much simpler than using a conventional timber batten .
10 They are strays , having been carried here by the glacier that once occupied Crummackdale as it retreated at the end of the Ice Age , scouring the ground as it departed and bringing down the boulders from their place of origin higher in the valley .
11 Frankly I think from our colleagues in the conservative party should n't really be wasting our time here with these silly motions , erm what 's needed is if you 're gon na improve the housing situation in the city and in the country as a whole , we need to be allowed to use our capital receipts , all the ones we 've piled up , and we need to also inject money into the national economy to build new homes and incidentally to get the economy moving again and start bringing down the level of unemployment .
12 Since the introduction of the laser more operations have been performed bringing down the surgery waiting list . ’
13 Then , as the players came thundering down the boards , she joined the stampede , trying to steal the ball and nearly bringing down the pony of a fat child with pigtails , whose mother promptly started yelling at Daisy .
14 In the form in which the proposals on community service appeared in the Bill they owed something also to the Government 's hope that the new measure would be seen as a credible alternative to custodial sentences , thus contributing towards the aim of bringing down the prison population .
15 I decided to try the Power Tool in two ways : the first using a stack , with the amp set to full shred ; the second with a Vox AC30 on full tilt , but with the Power Tool bringing down the volume to bedroom level .
16 He heard electrical impulses behind a large , old-fashioned enamelled flour bin on a high shelf in the kitchen and got out the step-ladder to investigate , bringing down the bin , which hit and broke a jar of clear honey in its descent ; he ended up with a mixture of flour and honey all over himself , the fridge and the floor .
17 Islip was sent off after bringing down the goalkeeper Iremonger ( they were ‘ probably two of the most hot-headed players in the League , ’ said the Examiner ) , then Mint of Notts County was also sent off for attacking Smith .
18 Now I promise to devote myself to bringing down the costs of your mortgages because I believe that people should be able to own their own homes and to own them cheaply . ’
19 So this is their justification for bringing in the childhood .
20 That was when they first changed over from seamed stockings to seamless ones and started laying off the skilled knitters and bringing in the women .
21 Northamptonshire County Council is bringing in the ban on nearly four thousand acres of farmland where fox hunting could take place .
22 After making a political volte-face he went on , without even a glimmer of embarrassment , to be responsible for bringing in the council tax .
23 The South-West , who beat London last year , have made a total of three changes , choosing the Plymouth wing Steve Walklin instead of Peter Blackett of Bath , and bringing in the Bath lock Nigel Redman in place of his club-mate John Morrison .
24 Within a week Little Chef was running the yard , bringing in the ponies from the fields , doing tricks for pony nuts , retrieving lost balls from the undergrowth , then running on to the field and dropping them when there was a pause in play .
25 Many of our people are out in the hills bringing in the flocks , as are the Hearthwares — those we have left .
26 This was busy with carts and pack-horses making their way into Edinburgh , bringing in the products from both port and countryside to be sold at the markets .
27 Six goods trains arrived at Histon every day , bringing in the necessaries for jam-making : sugar from Amsterdam , Hamburg , and other Continental ports , earthenware jars from St Helens , Newcastle , and Chesterfield .
28 They 've started recently , they d they did n't do it for years , we had n't been training anybody and that was unusual because when it was the big factory you were always bringing in the school leavers
29 The old loon looked puzzled and might have retaliated , but things were defused by a nurse bringing in the trolley of books that constituted the hospital library .
30 Sometimes actually bringing in the agencies of the law may be like pouring oil on a fire rather than pouring water on a fire .
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