Example sentences of "turn it [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No it does n't you run the top tap now in the kitchen , turn it off that will ignite and come on go and try it .
2 Oh well , I , I , I mean I , my mind , my memory is going I know , but I , but I look at that and I turn it over each month and I have a look at I have an idea what 's
3 And then , I either leave it like that or turn it to one .
4 But even the most socialist of them shared the view , articulated by Brailsford before the war , that the first task of the pacifist was not to overthrow capitalism but to ‘ check the worst consequences of a capitalistic foreign policy , and , if possible , turn it to some partial good . ’
5 Social institutions , including that of education , are set up to counteract the shortcomings of nature , to control and exploit it and turn it to human advantage .
6 Many non-Western cultures use a type of music , not used in the West , which has symbolic meaning to the members of the culture ; an attempt should be made to understand this symbolism and turn it to positive selling advantage .
7 the battery , when you turn it on that
8 Turn it on that .
9 And turn it on Sweet , where it belongs . ’
10 But he also gives it an edge and an urgency that turn it into much more than an abstract cafe debate .
11 That was all part of the job — dig the dirt and then turn it into pure gold .
12 Unlike J S Bach ( arguably his greatest predecessor ) , whose music sprang from a single , overriding impulse — his deep religious beliefs — Mozart was able to take the common musical currency of his day , sacred or secular — opera , symphony , concerto , Mass , string quartet , sonata — and turn it into pure gold .
13 Many other permutations were possible but the future of the house did cause worry , There was even a rumour that the local authority was to acquire it and turn it into some kind of museum .
14 Turn it round this way please .
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