Example sentences of "added to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Problem Administrator should access all outstanding computer based problem reports regularly , i.e. those reports that have not been closed , to ensure that action is being taken to resolve the problem and to ensure that appropriate notes have been added to the descriptions of the problem reports to reflect the current status of the problem and the action being taken .
2 Added to the peculiarities of its india-rubber action are the allied quirks of a non-standard spacing and a fiendishly complicated system of Shifts and Symbol Shifts to access the various keywords and punctuation symbols littered around the keyboard .
3 Where necessary , known amounts of distilled water were added to the faeces before homogenisation .
4 MIP-1 β ( 1:100 ) , control supernatant from SF9 cells infected with wild-type baculovirus ( 1:100 ) , GRO/MGSA ( 10ngml -1 ; from J.J. Oppenheim ) , or RANTES ( 10ngml -1 ; from J. J. Oppenheim ) were added to the wells and allowed to bind to plastic-immobilized heparin-BSA at 37°C for 60min .
5 MIP-1 β ( filled bars ) or control ( open bars ) was added to the wells and washed away before assaying adhesion .
6 Anti-IgG enzyme conjugate solution was added to the wells , incubated for 30 minutes , washed , and freshly prepared substrate was added before incubating the plate in the dark for 10 minutes .
7 After allowing for cell adherence , increasing concentrations of histamine ( 10 - 6 to 10 -10 M , Sigma , Dorset , UK ) or cimetidine ( 10 - 5 to 10 -10 M ) were added to the wells either alone or in combination giving a final well volume to 500 µl .
8 After the cells had adhered , the histamine and cimetidine concentrations described above were added to the wells giving a final well volume of 200 µl .
9 This was the reason for the comments in Evans , but there was nothing said in Evans against making a second order on a later occasion which would take the total above 240 hours when added to the original order , but would not do so when added to the hours yet to be worked under it .
10 Yet it too must fit into the confines of Studio D. To increase its apparent depth several backdrops have been added to the sets , including one to make the corridors seem much longer .
11 Businessman Ian Brennan was added to the Hibs board today taking their directorial strength up to six .
12 In addition , the AppleMac 's facility for incorporating sound within a program means that this further dimension can be added to the programs ; the user could then learn to associate the sound with the symbol , or with its description .
13 You could hear glass smashing , and now pieces of broken glass were added to the missiles which the wind flung along the scoured pavement .
14 In Chiswick , provision was made for Boys to receive Secondary School education , in the extension that had been added to the Girls School in Burlington Lane , and the School became the Chiswick Grammar School .
15 Notes should be added to the drawings to ensure that
16 51 Cr-labelled T cells and recombinant human MIP-1 β ( from M. Tsang ) were added to the plates , settled at 4°C for 60min and rapidly warmed to 37°C for 15min , after which non-adherent cells were washed off .
17 Free cytokine was then removed by washing the plates 5 times in PBS ; 51 Cr-labelled CD8 + T cells were added to the plates and the number of cells binding was assayed as described in Fig. 1 legend .
18 After preincubation for 10 minutes , TPA , or the solvent dimethylsulphoxide ( final concentration , 0.2% v/v ) , was added to the suspensions .
19 Preincubation was usually continued for a further 10 minutes , and then agonists were added to the suspensions and the change in cyclic AMP content recorded at intervals over the following 30 minutes .
20 We shall probably never know what went on behind the scenes when these phrases were added to the documents .
21 The money raised by the events was added to the donations received from customers visiting the centre .
22 A second and more fundamental change occurred in the tenth and eleventh centuries in Europe and in the Islamic world , when lead was added to the ingredients for the inlay .
23 In 1895 Sunderland was added to the ports of call down the East Coast now being served by four steamers .
24 In the Tudor age , patriotism in response to the threat of Philip II and the Inquisition , the spirit of Hawkins , Howard and Drake , was added to the explorations of Frobisher and the solid achievements of merchants in creating the foreign trade which rapidly became the basis of the country 's wealth .
25 However , notation is never added to the schedules until the basic order of subjects has been determined .
26 Three more recent definitions are : ( a ) " The actual intended use of unlawful force to another person without his consent " ( since then recklessness has been added to the mens rea ) per Jones LJ in Fagan v MPC , above .
27 For an elderly man , even with the robust constitution of Pétain , the long chase through snow and night , the unheated house — added to the exertions of the previous night — proved too much .
28 The demise of the defence jobs has added to the difficulties in my constituency , where many workers travel to Yarrow 's and to Barr and Stroud .
29 Is the Secretary of State prepared to recognise that the Government 's reforms have added to the difficulties of health care provision in the capital ?
30 Unemployment and other social problems have added to the difficulties .
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