Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 While she still had light she would continue to search for a way out ; she would —
2 For example , infants of 8 months of age will continue to search for an object , such as a toy , which is repeatedly hidden behind the same cover .
3 The Government will continue to invest in a strong infrastructure , and boost technology expertise in the regions .
4 This core of lava may continue to flow for a long while , but when the supply of fresh lava slows down at source , there will not be enough coming through to fill the whole volume of the core , so an empty space will be left , and this will form a long tube or tunnel running along the centre of the flow , sometimes for many kilometres .
5 Over the winter months she will continue to train in a bid to ensure that her second visit to the British Championships next year will yield a medal of a different colour .
6 As in 1949 at Lausanne , so the probability is that many refugees would oppose any surrender of their claim and would continue to struggle for a solution which goes a substantial way towards meeting both their physical needs and their sense of grievance .
7 ‘ As well as our involvement in the introduction of new machinery , we shall continue to work as a support team helping and advising wherever we can to the greater achievement of our colleagues responsible for TNT , quality assurance , work study , health and safety … indeed , any aspect of the Group 's business , ’ added Phil .
8 Owen and his two remaining parliamentary colleagues ( the other two SDP MPs elected in the 1987 general election--see p. 35269 — having joined the ranks of the SLDP ) would continue to work as a team of independent Social Democrats .
9 They will continue to work for a stronger , more effective United Nations .
10 While it was the foetus or child en ventre sa mère who was injured , the damages sued for are the damages suffered by the plaintiff Ann since birth and which she will continue to suffer as a result of that injury .
11 These are : How do we continue to aim for a principle of equity in distributing limited resources across populations ?
12 They will be secure enough about their own capabilities and limitations to take the lead in talking in ways which the old lags will continue to denigrate for a while as ‘ weak ’ or ‘ idealistic ’ .
13 A castrated stallion who has been used at stud may continue to behave like an entire , but be infertile .
14 The following appointments have been made to the Judicial Studies Board : Mr Justice Johnson , in succession to Lord Justice Butler-Sloss , ( and will also serve as co-Chairman of the Civil and Family Committee ) ; Judge Oddie , in succession to Judge White , ( and will continue to serve as a member of the Civil and Family Committee ) ; Mr Registrar Angel , a Family Division Registrar , ( who will also continue to serve on the Civil and Family Committee ) .
15 The project will continue to serve as a centre for other scholars working in this field .
16 Lee Kuan Yew , the former Prime Minister and current Senior Minister who had held this post for some 35 years , would continue to serve as a member of the party 's central executive committee .
17 But the former Cambridge graduate , who joined the industry 33 years ago , will continue to serve as a non-executive director .
18 Nick Moore , the head of the unit , says that the number of small firms involved in this area will continue to grow as a result , for instance , of researchers leaving universities with good ideas which they are anxious to commercialise .
19 So their numbers will continue to grow as a new element in the population .
20 Bedford , Massachusetts-based ComputerVision Corp 's chief financial officer said the company expects sales will continue to grow in an increasingly competitive environment , while service will provide a ‘ predictable and solid cash flow . ’
21 The discount houses agreed to abandon their collectively agreed price for the weekly Treasury bill issue , but they would continue to apply for a quantity of bills sufficient to cover the tender .
22 He also stressed his belief that ‘ people should have the right to express their views through the ballot box , and he would continue to look for a way to give people the chance to exercise their democratic rights , ’ the department 's spokesman said .
23 We will continue to lobby for a ban on holiday cottages " .
24 Afterwards , Nathan Shamuyarira , the Foreign Minister and ZANU 's information and publicity secretary , and one of Mugabe 's strongest supporters , said that ZANU would continue to press for a formal one-party system , but by means of " intensive political mobilization " of the population rather than by legislation .
25 Howie Armstrong , Scottish co-ordinator of the EPOCH campaign , End Physical Punishment of Children , said the organisation would continue to press for an end to all forms of corporal punishment against children .
26 Paramount closed down its London office in 1968 , declaring that ‘ we now feel that by coordinating and controlling our production activities in Hollywood we can effectively control a programme that will continue to draw from a talent pool all around the world . ’
27 Lord Goff , at p 664 , reserved the question whether some limited obligation ( analogous to the springboard doctrine ) may continue to rest on a confidant , who , in breach of confidence , destroys the confidential nature of the information entrusted to him .
28 Low overwinter fine root mortality , relative to growing season mortality , might be due to low maintenance respiration rates under cold soil temperatures , but it is unclear why roots produced in the 1989 growing season should continue to die at a slower rate during the 1990 growing season .
29 Support for farmers under the common agricultural policy would also rise in real terms , but would continue to decline as a share of the total budget .
30 Long after Branson had moved his office to the houseboat Duende and was seldom to be seen by most of the Virgin staff ; long after he had ceased to know everyone by name , or even by sight , Branson himself would continue to refer to a special Virgin ‘ atmosphere ’ , barely perceivable to the outside world .
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