Example sentences of "beginning [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Rumours were beginning to circulate at the time , concerning Robert Dudley and Her Sovereign Majesty , Elizabeth 1 .
2 ‘ You 're beginning to sound like the older generation . ’
3 With a more sober view of what is possible , local social services departments are now beginning to plan for the provision of more comprehensive and effective welfare services for the disabled .
4 By the time he wrote the survey quoted above , evolutionary morphology was beginning to fall into the background as new sciences such as genetics took over the forefront of scientific research .
5 The fighting groups overbalanced into the shallower water and continued struggling there , ignoring the arrows beginning to fall from the following ships of the line , swinging up , oars flashing to fill the breadth of the river .
6 THE green shoots of recovery are beginning to sprout in the Black Country .
7 We can only freely give ourselves to someone else when we are ‘ real persons ’ — just as Harry was beginning to see in the play .
8 The heat was beginning to go off the streets and the shadows were creeping out from the walls .
9 Across on Platform 2 , the train from Paddington was just pulling in ; and passengers were already beginning to stream across the new pedestrian bridge as Morse and Lewis first ascended , then descended the steps , darting challenging looks around them as they dodged their way through the bustling contra-flow .
10 Soft light beginning to shimmer on the still water .
11 Now here on the left London is beginning to appear beyond the rooftops , lying wide and blue and docile at my feet .
12 A few neon signs are beginning to appear on the larger buildings advertising the usual Western wares such as Levi jeans .
13 The Dean crowd and their successors had been smoking as a regular habit ten years earlier but only now , at the height of the Vietnam crisis , when the futility of the war was beginning to dawn with the return of disillusioned young soldiers prepared at last to tell the truth , were drugs beginning to appear on the American campus scene and in London streets in any volume .
14 The bookshop was still open , and now , in addition to the paperbacks , the little magazines , and the Village Voice , the new wave of American papers was beginning to appear on the shelves .
15 Dawn was beginning to appear through the trees .
16 The qualities of independence , singularity of viewpoint , and readiness to move far afield in pursuit of his inner wishes ( a characteristic of his father 's early career ) were beginning to appear in the son .
17 Much the same is true of the UK , although a few case-studies of school-based evaluation activities are beginning to appear in the literature .
18 The scenery was fascinating ; mountains were beginning to appear in the distance , beckoning to her with a blue , misty enchantment , to which she responded with a longing she could n't believe she possessed .
19 Her loose silk smock had been raised , while the elastic waistband of her matching trousers had been lowered a few inches so that her pale abdomen , not yet beginning to swell with the new life inside her , was ready to be smeared lightly with the gel that would facilitate the task of finding the tiny heartbeat .
20 When Seb was beginning to worry about the task , Carrie arrived at the farm , carried there on the back of a horse ridden by her father .
21 It was also clear that the first of a number of PostScript clones , the language definition has always been in the public domain , were beginning to come to the market .
22 Several systems of computer enhancement and image analysis which can be used with a petrographic microscope are beginning to come on the market and promise relative ease of modal composition evaluation .
23 The Second period is that which starts from the beginning of life and reaches onward to the time when the law of the survival of the fittest with its ruthlessness could no longer serve the aspirations towards increasing happiness that were beginning to creep into the dawning consciousness of primitive man .
24 There was a red car waiting outside the farmhouse when she reached it ; the car 's wheels had cut deep tracks through the long grass , tracks that were only just beginning to fade as the plains wind breathed across them .
25 Handfuls of sleet were beginning to wander through the air .
26 Our earlier discussion had reached a satisfactory breaking-off point and his attention was beginning to wander to the outer office where pandemonium was on the point of breaking out .
27 Most certainly these were the sections of the working class who were beginning to benefit from the trend towards paid holidays , which was eventually formalized , after the Amulree Report , and the Holidays with Pay Act of 1938 .
28 Spain , its two kingdoms brought together by the dual monarchy of the Catholic Kings , Ferdinand and Isabella , and beginning to benefit from the riches of the New World , was emerging out of its previous isolation and preoccupation with internal affairs to become one of the two dominant powers of Europe .
29 She felt uneasy again , some electricity beginning to leap in the air between their locked eyes .
30 The vastly-experienced trio of Francis , Anderson and Waddle — with 105 years and four European Cup finals between them — were beginning to revel in the huge open spaces left by their part-time opponents .
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