Example sentences of "beginning [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The huge house at Deauville , with its gardens and private beach , was sold to one of the newly oil-rich Americans just beginning to invest in European property .
2 As to what happens now he says I 've to go to Magistrate 's Court so it 's just beginning to sink in that it 's gon na cost him some brass and it 's going to be serious .
3 Various papers and magazines were beginning to thrive in this new atmosphere .
4 The hissing of the rain was beginning to sound like whispered voices now ; like a multitude of whispering voices in the darkness .
5 One is beginning to sound like Big Ben .
6 Several hotel and leisure groups are already beginning to diversify into this field : they are aiming at the top and more lucrative end of the market , charging fees well above the DSS limits .
7 The umbrella-holder had understood the nature of his task and positioned himself to the left of the other , holding the umbrella to parry the rain which was beginning to fall with increasing severity .
8 What we are beginning to see in this country — and I welcome it very much — is a sharp slowdown in the rise in unemployment .
9 ‘ She went to Germany , ’ Flora said , stopping to peer at the wall , where moss was beginning to swell into new plump spring cushions .
10 Griffin left the Turkish arena with his other eye beginning to swell after another fine performance which he won 9–7 but now faces his toughest test , a date with the championship doctor .
11 He was rock hard , fully aroused beneath the rough denim of his bermudas , and she froze , beginning to struggle in nameless fear … completely new emotions were being aroused much too fast .
12 By that time Sheila Rowbotham was beginning to come into peripheral contact with the magazine .
13 What was new was that socialism and internationalism , the two basic components of Labour 's ideology , were beginning to pull in opposite directions .
14 The women in the camps are beginning to work in small income-generating projects , mostly handicraft production , dividing whatever they earn between every family .
15 The interior of Armstrong was beginning to smell of wet dogs and that just added to my bad mood .
16 A blackbird sang from a hazel tree with swinging yellow catkins ; buds were just beginning to open into miniature bright green leaves .
17 Now the bell is beginning to toll for indoor athletics at the station as , at long last , new facilities are being opened , at Kelvin Hall in Glasgow and soon at the big centre in Birmingham .
18 He held on to his love of unregimented activity in the open air , away from encroaching London suburbia , and he cherished a sense of belonging to another country — Cambria or Gwalia , Glamorgan or Gwent — in addition to the still strange city he was slowly beginning to explore along both banks of the Thames .
19 The promise of enlarged democratic rights had encouraged the ‘ playful giant ’ to be less submissive than formerly , Arnold thought , and he was beginning to assert with increasing regularity ‘ his right to march where he likes , meet where he likes , enter where he likes , hoot as he likes , threaten as he likes , smash as he likes ’ : Matthew Arnold thus proposed in the late 1860s that crime and disorder should be understood as a consequence of the already evident ‘ permissive ’ disintegration of the stable traditions , and although he was not narrowly obsessed with street violence and rowdyism , nevertheless these were an integral feature of his vision of decay — something which was deeply characteristic of this era .
20 I met and married my husband just at the point when I was beginning to apply for senior registrar posts .
21 This is now happening in Scotland and the kingdom is beginning to veer to one or the other of the two powerful families with such claims to the throne .
22 Also on the A thirty four , at Great Rollright near Chipping Norton , there 's been a serious accident there and there are tailbacks beginning to grow in both directions .
23 It still had its pepper trade and the factories in India at Surat and Madras , and at Bantam in the East Indies , with a number of smaller bases , and it was beginning to look for new opportunities .
24 Boasts from DEC that its Alpha RISC is at least 1,000 times scalable , are beginning to look like pure hubris : maybe they might be able to snap eight processors together on a bus eventually , but reportedly all its got now is four and supposedly that 's not working too well .
25 Still no purchase and it was beginning to look like all or nothing .
26 Armed with this concession , and under pressure from Mr Milosevic , whose own country is beginning to buckle under international sanctions , Mr Karadzic duly signed , subject to parliament 's approval .
27 Around the same time the first desktop publishing programs , although they were n't called that , were beginning to emerge on Unix-based engines like the Sun and Apollo .
28 These have to be the finest among American concertos : the Barber is standard repertoire now , but Serenade ( after Plato , ‘ in praise of love ’ ) is only just beginning to emerge as one of Bernstein 's highly select group of masterpieces — about time too .
29 EXCITING applications are beginning to emerge for dissolving glass , a material discovered accidentally in a telephone company 's laboratory .
30 Nizan 's communist novels , produced within this global historical framework , may consequently be contextualised in the following manner : ( a ) Antoine Bloye , written between 1931 and 1933 , was produced at a moment of sectarian cultural politics , a moment when the French communist party was just beginning to emerge from political isolationism , a moment when the French working class was just beginning to reassert itself .
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