Example sentences of "suggested [that] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As the sensitivity of stress testing is poor in patients with anterior infarction some authors have suggested that all patients with an anterior infarct and reduced left ventricular function should be catheterised as it is patients such as these with triple vessel disease that benefit most from revascularisation .
2 Mr Yeltsin has supported such reforms while trade unions have suggested that all savings accounts above a certain level should be wiped out .
3 Previous reports had suggested that such subgroups of patients did well in terms of survival in the short and medium term after transplantation , assuming that the development of renal failure requiring dialysis had not occurred before receiving a suitable organ , and quality of life has been shown to increase in absolute terms after such a procedure .
4 But no one has ever suggested that such contracts are in restraint of trade except in very unusual circumstances …
5 It is suggested that such students should be encouraged to publish during the tenure of their studentships , so that new findings may be incorporated quickly and permanently into the literature of the subject .
6 It is suggested that such students should be encouraged to publish during the tenure of their studentships , so that new findings may be incorporated quickly and permanently into the literature of the subject .
7 In what is perhaps the most usual response to these altered judgements against crime between pre-war and postwar years , of course , it is suggested that such incidents have become ‘ more serious ’ or ‘ more violent ’ as the years have gone by .
8 At Great Dunmow , for instance , it has been suggested that such strips were up to c. 100 m ( 327 ft ) deep , while the Fosse Way southwest of Ilchester was lined by two successive rows of enclosures some 50 by 20 m ( 165 by 66 ft ) in size .
9 McKendrick has suggested that such earnings were able to add a significant number of extra families to the " middling ranks " earning above the £50 a year bottom line suggested by Dr Eversley .
10 It has been suggested that such sediments are characteristic of aseismic continental shelves as they move away from a mid-oceanic ridge .
11 It has been suggested that such terranes are equivalent to oceanic plateaus , which are to be found in the present-day ocean basins and which often rise several kilometres above the adjacent ocean floor ( Fig. 3.32 ) .
12 Even though it was suggested that such crises may at some point lead to a collapse of the system , this is not inevitable nor even highly probable .
13 For by seeking to claim credit for the fact that Britain had not imposed a visa regime , Mr Wardle implicitly suggested that such measures obstruct refugees from gaining access to countries where they can seek asylum ( as indeed Amnesty believes they do ) .
14 It has been suggested that such provisos are not effective in protecting a landlord from the severity of the law and can not be set up as a defence to the claim that by accepting rent the breach of covenant has been waived .
15 It had been suggested that many futurologists that greatly increased leisure for the multitudes will result from automation , computerisation , nuclear energy and other technological advances .
16 Others , using questionnaires to evaluate personality traits , have suggested that many cutters have obsessional personalities ( McKerracher et al. 1968 ; Gardner and Gardner 1975 ) .
17 In the conclusion to The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism , he had suggested that some forms of " debility , ill health and anaemia may produce an efflux of poetry " .
18 Sheppard Frere has suggested that some villas may in consequence have been deserted , but evidence of this nature is difficult to assess .
19 They may have been the gigantic reptilian analogue of the elephant , and it may be no coincidence that the elephant also has its nasal openings on top of the skull , with the nostrils in this case sited at the end of the trunk it has been suggested that some sauropods may have had a proboscis of some sort .
20 It has been suggested that some sounds are distracting than others and that there are certain kinds of mental activity that are more at risk than others .
21 In c.1308 it was even suggested that some Gascons , especially from the Agenais , might have rebelled openly against their duke had it not been for the existence of French sovereign jurisdiction as a kind of safety valve .
22 We know very little of what went on in these places , from either archaeological or historical evidence , but R. H. Britnell has suggested that most markets were ‘ closely related to the growth of local trade between food producers , craftsmen and tradesmen ’ .
23 My inquiries have suggested that few doctors are aware of an association between alcohol and asthma .
24 The sheriff had suggested that more detonators , designed to alert drivers if they passed red light , be installed .
25 The use of the microphone by some students this year undoubtedly helped those students who lacked confidence in their ability to project their voices , and it is suggested that more students should try using the sound system to gain experience for the future .
26 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
27 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland has suggested that those issues could be debated in the Scottish Grand Committee .
28 Certain ancient stains along the approach corridor — which resembled the rib cage of a very long whale — had suggested that those ribs could clash shut at any sign of unwelcome visitors , imprisoning or crushing intruders .
29 As a result of these worries , the Chief Medical Officer has suggested that these women should not eat liver or liver products .
30 Persinger has suggested that these reports might be hallucinations instilled into the witnesses by the effect of ionising radiation in close proximity .
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