Example sentences of "tend [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Organisations tend to emphasise the benefits of policies rather than their costs , looking at the objectives to be achieved rather than the resources available .
2 In explicating this model , managers tend to emphasise the goodness of relationships such as one would find in a happy family .
3 CFCs tend to inhibit the flow of infra-red radiation through the atmosphere ; and they help to catalyze the breakdown of the ozone layer .
4 Some dietary components , including vitamin C , tend to inhibit the reaction . ’
5 Nevertheless , two factors tend to inhibit the use of private certification in many areas of health and safety .
6 In Chapter 14 we saw how moral hazard and adverse selection tend to inhibit the setting up of insurance markets to deal with risk .
7 ‘ Exclusive ’ fostering , where the foster-parents tend to treat the child rather as though he [ or she ] were their own or they had adopted him [ or her ] , is thought to be damaging to the child 's identity , as well as hindering restoration to the natural parents .
8 Herbal remedies tend to treat the symptoms , even if the actual cause is not known .
9 Such corporations tend to usurp the functions of local elected authorities which are simultaneously subjected to greater central control .
10 In their enthusiasm to criticize economistic assumptions concerning utility , both works tend to overstress the autonomy of the features they assert .
11 Anne was right in saying that ‘ you tend to lose the origin of it ’ ; the origins are a long way from what remains , but it does not really matter .
12 You tend to lose the origins of it , but it 's a shame to let it go altogether .
13 ‘ You tend to lose the origins of it ’ , was what Anne Smith said about Bellerby Feast , but the observation could apply equally to a number of events whose origins are lost in the ‘ mists of time ’ .
14 Criticisms of the view of auditory deprivation ( Bench , 1979 ) and of bilingualism ( Arnold , 1982 ) tend to miss the point that language acquisition occurs through interaction .
15 Functionalists tend to see the relationship between social groups in society as one of cooperation and interdependence .
16 Proponents of this view tend to see the idea of parental possession as one that is still protected and upheld by the law and by social agencies ; and they believe this state of affairs to be damaging to children , given that parents ' and children 's interests sometimes conflict .
17 Feminist psychologists tend to see the significance of gender differences much as conventional psychologists do .
18 Radical analysts of welfare development tend to see the imposition of mandatory retirement , encouraged or enforced by state pension schemes , as pan of the process whereby , in late industrial societies with highly specialized divisions of labour , elderly people are marginalized into a condition of ‘ structured dependence ’ .
19 We tend to see the history of art as an ordered succession of works appreciated for and judged by their conceptual content .
20 In fact , those who support the introduction of a Bill of Rights tend to see the state in essentially " negative " terms : it is regarded as the only real threat to individual freedom and liberty ( apart from that posed by the collective activity of trade unions ) because freedom itself is defined negatively as simply involving an absence of public and legal restraint on individual action .
21 Because Bem and other gender schema theorists assume that rationality and cognitive unity characterize psychological subjects , they tend to see the break-up of gender schemata as hindered by dominant social relations , but still as fairly straightforward in itself .
22 As a theory it is common enough : in the Italian Constitution the family is the only association among people which is designated ‘ natural ’ , and contemporary British conservatives tend to see the family as a possible counterweight to the power of the state .
23 Tax administrators often see tax theory as a luxury to be indulged in in any odd moment they might have to look up from their files , while tax theorists tend to see the administration and practical aspects of taxation as an easily coped with minor irritant , or deviation , from their ‘ grand design ’ .
24 Americans , with no colonial history in the Middle East , tend to see the war against Mr Hussein as a police action against an international thug .
25 Equally , we tend to see the learning of a foreign language as mastering a skill , thereby perhaps doing ourselves a disservice .
26 Moreover , male criminals tend to see the crimes they commit as too dangerous for women , or too difficult , or their masculine pride may not be willing to accept women as organisers of crime , as ‘ bosses ’ .
27 If we live on continents , we tend to see the world as land inconveniently dissected by expanses of water .
28 Neither dispenser can be used with corrosive fluids as these materials tend to corrode the return spring and cause discoloration and contamination of the chemicals .
29 Not only that : benefits for children tend to confirm the link between biological mothering and social mothering .
30 The Judicial Statistics figures tend to confirm the conclusions of the Winn Committee , which reported in 19689 that ‘ … of all personal injury claims asserted about 20–25 per cent .
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